an imperfect application of a Gordian Knot allusion

29 Jun

In my relatively short life, I have come to discover that a great many difficulties can be remedied by the simple act of cutting through all the bullshit and attacking a problem head-on. Rather than spending much frustrated time and effort in trying to untangle all of the crap, rumor and innuendo surrounding an issue in hope that you might clear a circuitious path in a way that won’t upset the status quo, it’s sometimes easier to just slice straight through and expose the disputed point to the disinfecting light of day. This, in the vast majority of cases, lays bare the fact that the actual issue is easily solved; it was all the other stuff surrounding it that made getting to a resolution so difficult.

Not only does this generally solve your problem, it often shocks and horrifies all those people so invested in maintaining all the traditional social impediments to actually getting things done.*

This is a plus: the Status Quo is overrated.


* – It’s a shame that in a small number of cases, you run into a situation where, after cutting through the knot, there will be people who just pretend it still exists, even when it’s non-existence is pointed out to them. This is because they’re so invested in the idea of being bound to the prevailing paradigm that they simply cannot handle the fact that it’s been shifted.** If you come to that point, it’s probably best to just walk away.

** – I can’t help but illustrate this idea with the image of a dog chained to a pole for a very long time. Even after the chain has rusted away, the dog remains within the worn circle in the grass that describes the limits the chain imposed on it. It’s world is so very small, and it cannot conceive of the concept of freedom after remaining restrained for so long. I can think of few concepts sadder.

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