♫ couldn’t guarantee ♫

25 Jan

So, it’s Monday again…

The weekend, as predicted and hoped for, was largely uneventful. A little shopping, some reading, some decent shepherd’s pie that I’ll be eating the rest of the week, lots of laundry, a bit of television, a bit of reading, and a few Pokemon Go raids from my couch thanks to friends in Virginia Beach.

Didn’t leave the house much, apart from the shopping and a Sunday early afternoon jaunt into the city with the lovely spouse for pint and delicious grilled cheese sandwiches at Castleburg, where they still do social distancing and pandemic safety the right way, so we felt pretty safe (even if there were anyone else in the taproom apart from the staff, which, unfortunately for one of my favorite small businesses, there wasn’t – support the places you love so you don’t lose them, folks!).

And staying mostly home was fine. Nothing out there is risk-free at this point. To maintain sanity and keep ourselves fed, we’ve got to take come calculated risks, yes, but remember: just because vaccines are starting, albeit slowly, to roll out, it’s not really safe yet. Until we get up to the 75-80% vaccinated population threshold for herd-immunity, a partially vaccinated public just means more asyptomatic carriers. The vaccine prevents infection in a person; it doesn’t kill the virus dead or prevent transmission. Keep wearing your mask, folks.

So, including the bi-weekly Covid rant, not a whole lot different from the usual.

The week ahead looks pretty typical as well. Work is largely the same at this point, even if changes are still on the horizon. Looks like precipitation is going to put a damper on most outside activities most of the week, though that just gives my knee another couple of days to mend. I’m also working to get pricing for a small landscaping project I need handled more professionally than I’m able, which I also hope won’t be too delayed by said precipitation (local weather’s associated the s-word with Thursday), but we’ll see.

Finally, apologies for he whiplash between John Phillips lyrics in the post title and Nu-McCoy in the header image. It was totally intentional.

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