Archive for January, 2010

friday random ten: “deja vu” edition

29 Jan

Another friday, another big, threatening snowstorm on the horizon. Weekeend events are already being postponed before a flake falls. That’s the way it works around here. At least it lets me get some more mileage out of this image: I’m not going to complain too much; I could use the break to work the rest […]

unsettling thing I learned today

28 Jan

Pepto-Bismol turns certain, uh, substances jet black. For a second there, I thought I’d turned into one of the undead or something.

because I judge it necessary and expedient…

27 Jan

Even though right now, the thought of drinking alcohol is enough to make my stomach start turning itself inside out, I present the annual link to the 2010 State of the Union drinking game. Two of them, actually, since HuffPo‘s is pretty good this year as well. Also, definitely drink if the President mentions the […]


27 Jan

feeling human today. Almost. Honestly, it’s time I got back to being “ill” in the manner of Run-D.M.C. and the Beastie Boys, rather than the “gack gushing from every possible orifice” sort of way. You’re welcome, by the way, for that image.

stopped clocks, etc

26 Jan

For the first and probably only time ever, Doctor Phil gives me a reason to think that he’s not a complete tool: He scolded a mom for her intrusive addiction to the tedious and obnoxious facebook game Farmville. Video game addiction is a very real problem when it gets in the way of real life. […]

the only thing worse

26 Jan

than being afflicted with a debilitating stomach virus is being afflicted with a debilitating stomach virus when you’re on the road for work, and feel guilty because you’re not at home to take care of the rest of your family who also have said debilitating stomach virus. So what I guess I’m saying is that […]

the sky is not falling

22 Jan

Listening to the various news outlets this week, you’d think that because of the results in the special election in Massachussetts, the Democratic party is in complete disarray and health care reform is dead in the water, because <gasp> they’ve only got a fifty-nine seat majority* in the Senate rather than the sixty they had […]

+1d6 radiant damage vs demons

20 Jan

A company in Michigan who builds rifle sights for the US military is drawing attention for including references to Bible verses in their serial numbers. Unsurprisingly, some people have problems with this, citing issues of church vs. state separation and the poor image presented by US (and, apparently UK) troops using weapons inscribed with Christian […]

is this “Alanis” irony? I can’t tell

19 Jan

Breaking News: Based on what I saw at the checkout at the grocery store the other day, Sarah Palin’s apparently decided that she and her daughter self-identify as being “pro-choice”. Yeah, I know, but hear me out… That’s what textually, seems to be the correct message to take from the big huge yellow letters on […]

an open letter…

19 Jan

Dear person who happens to be just ahead of me in the queue for the “True Blood: season 1” Blu-Ray discs from the Richmond area Netflix distribution center, You know, you really ought to treat the discs the nice people at Netflix send you with a little more care and respect. Someone (read: me) has […]

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