Archive for March, 2010

stuff I like a lot: lesser-known things written by the Founding Fathers

09 Mar

In the last two and a quarter centuries of American history, it’s always been fashionable for politicians and politically motivated organizations to include callbacks to well-known historical documents and quotations in their speeches and published materials. President Obama titled his speech on race in America during the 2008 campain “A More Perfect Union,” referencing the […]

weights? lifted

07 Mar

bills? paid. con registration? mailed. fish tank? cleaned. oil? changed. taxes? filed. To celebrate, here’s a picture of a baby tapir: His name is “watermelon”. no lie. enjoy your weekend, everybody.

uh, wha?

04 Mar

I saw this screencap image presented at wonkette today: To be fair, I don’t know the context in which this ‘question’ was presented, but really, in what context is that question not weird and inappropriate? But then, we are talking Fox News here, so who knows.

filibuster follow-up

03 Mar

Remember that history lesson about the filibuster from a couple of days ago, where I lamented the modern nature of the filibuster, and wished it would return to the contest of endurance where the dissenting minority had to back up the sincerity of their opposition by actually talking things to death? Well, stuff like that […]

today’s winner

02 Mar

Commenter tannenburg‘s brilliant and succinct deconstruction of the ethos of a certain political faction deserves a celebratory cry of “THIS!!!!111!eleventyone1!” from all corners. I know I’m overly snarky here, but I keep hearing “I’m ignorant, and angry about things which I’m ignorant of, but by God if you tell me I’m ignorant and try to […]

If U didn’t come 2 party, don’t bother knockin’ on my door

01 Mar

…because, well, according to my PS3 this afternoon, it’s 12/31/1999. It seems there’s a glitch out there that’s causing early-gen “fat” PS3s to go a little wacky today. Something to do with the clock/calendar chip, causing problems connecting to the playstation network and in some cases, corrupting downloaded content and trophy records. So far, it […]

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