Archive for April, 2011

go away, little one

30 Apr

This is what you get when your three-year old crawls under the kitchen table with a cheap digital camera on a random Saturday morning

friday random ten – “routine broken” edition

29 Apr

Moved into a new office this week; while the situation, overall, is a positive one, it still totally blew my routine, which, when such things happen to me, manifest themselves physically. So yeah, I didn’t feel all that great most of the week. Still, the week’s over now, so I am planning to enjoy my […]

a short note to the administration

27 Apr

Aren’t you all supposed to be young, hip, internet-saavy social networking types who were suprised to find upon moving into the west wing that government technology infrastructure was stodgy and behind the times? Assuming this is the case, I’d think that you’d be aware of one of the cardinal rules of online behavior: Really, by […]

continuing the requiem for lost youth

27 Apr

deadmalls dot com. Remember, in the flurry of youth, when the mall was someplace you actually wanted to go to? Seems no one else can either. Intellectually, I can remember twice weekly worship sessions at these air-conditioned, brown-and-orange tiled temples of commerce attended by roving bands of Aqua-Netted, denim clad youth, but I can’t remember […]

so old, I’m off the chart

27 Apr

Today’s xkcd is just really rubbing our faces in it now by pointing out the theatrical release of The Little Mermaid is chronologically closer to the original moon landings than it is to the present day. I don’t even want to contemplate The Goonies right now.

the sum of our experiences

26 Apr

There’s a pretty interesting discussion over at slacktivist regarding the escalation of the “saving oneself for marriage” phenomenon in evangelical culture to include avoidance of sullying oneself through kissing (or increasingly, any physical contact more involved than hand-holding), typified by a certain pastor preaching on the regret he feels for his having kissed three other […]

benefits with friends

25 Apr

In the last couple of months, we’ve been adopted by a new social circle. And, I’ll be honest, it’s mostly pretty great. There’s almost always something to do, and it’s nice having like-minded, interesting adults to talk to who I seem to have something in common with beyond sharing an employer or a kid’s extracurricular. […]

we are indeed trend-setters

23 Apr

Dads are the original hipsters. My dad used to own a baseball tee with a screen printed unicorn on it, and wore it with with total confidence in his masculinity. Beat that!

rites of spring

19 Apr

Only a few more hours of the office grind before I take a few days off for spring break, the annual descent into a hedonistic bacchinalia of promiscuity and alcohol poisoning daring to sleep in until 8am, putting a few more miles on the bike, and maybe hitting an amusement park with the kids. Yeah, […]

you won’t see something like this on Facebook

18 Apr

The #philosophymovies hashtag on twitter today made my lunch hour way more fun than it had any right to be. If you don’t find Raising Aristotle and White Emmanuel Kant Jump funny, then I’m not sure I want to know you. (my most popular contribution seems to be Kierkegaarden Cop, though my sentimental favorite is […]

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