2014 in review

02 Jan

I usually do a “by the numbers” post here, racking up the various numbers by which the year can be measured. Not going to to that this year, largely because my flu shot back in October was complete crap and I’ve been sick my whole Christmas break.

My lovely spouse just pointed out that this is a pattern: I take time off, I get sick to fill the space. She’s quite likely right. Gotta work on that.

In any case, I’ll just do a quick narrative of the highlights, because I don’t feel like digging for the numbers; that’s too much work.

Generally, 2014 was objectively pretty cool. Had a great job with the best team I’ve worked with I think, ever. I’m on deck to start a new opportunity next week that pays more, plays to my skills, and doesn’t take me out of the other team’s orbit. That’s pretty cool.

I got to play rock star a bunch of times. That’s neat. I have another gig in two weeks, and more to come. Who’d have thought this crap would hit in my 40s?

I’m an editor now. I help people make neat things. The stuff we put out this year was pretty successful, all told. I’m having fun.

I have a vibrant and sometimes overwhelming social life. There’s never a shortage of people to hang out with and do cool things with. Sometimes, I feel like I get too much of this, but that’s my introvert talking. I need to listen occasionally, that’s all.

The kids mostly (mostly) have it together. Grades look better; I feel like I have to worry a little less about supporting them into their late middle age. That’s a decent feeling.

Sure, there’ve been some stresses; health issues, financial stress (usually to cover stuff that needed done), and various other little things. I mention them in passing, because they exist, but overall, things looked good.

This year? More of the same would be okay, maybe a little less stress on the financial and health stuff would be nice.

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