Archive for May, 2014

life and thought – neither particularly original

27 May

Weekend: exterior light fixtures. bicycle. card games. guacamole. laundry. measurement. renfaire. burritos. Not particularly unusual. Random thought: The Bourne Legacy works surprisingly well if you pretend that it’s basically a pre-Avengers solo Hawkeye movie. Just replace Treadstone/Outcome with some Black Ops fork of the Super Soldier program or Department H, and add a scene at […]

presented without context

22 May

…you kinda had to be there.

love wins out in pennsylvania

21 May

While news of same-sex marriage bans being struck down across the country isn’t exactly an uncommon headline these days, the decision in Pennsylvania yesterday is of particular significance to me. While I mostly consider myself a Virginian these days, having spent nearly half my life here, and having lived in my current residence in the […]

Marching to Atlanta

21 May

So really, it was flying to Atlanta, but the history major in me leapt to Sherman’s march, and I felt like pissing off some Confederate sympathizers who might be reading, because that’s what we Damn Yankees are wont to do. So there. In any case, when we last left the ongoing narrative of my life, […]

east coast tour

13 May

I greet you, dear reader, from the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, while I eat my breakfast this fine balmy (and pollen-laden) morning here in the Capital of the Peach State, which I will likely get to see very little of over the next couple of days, unless one counts the interiors of hotel rooms and […]

a week upended

08 May

I was supposed to be in Atlanta this week. I’m not. When people say “the last minute”, it’s usually a somewhat embellished description of events. In this case, it’s kind of embellished as well, but only by about three or four hours, and when we’re talking airport time, it doesn’t get much tighter than that, […]

because sometimes, things come to your brain unbidden

07 May

…this particular phrase just popped into my head at random this afternoon. I shall now share it with you: My own stools, Sir, are gigantic and have no more odor than a hot biscuit. Haven’t seen this particular movie in years, but the image is *right there* and it made me laugh.

because it’s tradition

01 May

Around these parts on this day, it’s become customary to figuratively dance around the May pole and post a version of this particular tune for the entertainment of visitors: One, because it’s funny and I enjoy almost all things Coulton. Secondly, because it is, believe it or not, a lesson in history and culture; in […]

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