Archive for March, 2020

friday random elevenish: “comfort in routine” edition

27 Mar

After being in “social distancing” mode for two weeks or so now, it’s weird that all this is starting to feel, well…if not normal, then at least kind of routine. We’re starting to develop patterns and habits, and for someone like me with obsessive/compulsive tendencies, regularity is comforting on a base, lizard-brain level (though that […]

“if they would rather die, they’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population”

24 Mar

The circumstances we’re living in right now, and will likely be doing for at least the next couple of months? Sure, they suck. But by doing the social distancing and such, we’re saving lives by making sure that important medical resources (hospital beds, ventilators, etc) are available to the people who’ll need them by slowing […]

where I’m at

23 Mar

My last couple of posts read as pretty dire, don’t they? It kind of makes sense; these are dire times. I did indeed get out in the woods a couple of times since the last post; a nice hike along the river, and a refreshing 10 mile bike ride on Friday afternoon. Thursday’s hike was […]

friday random elevenish: “I guess this is what life is now” edition

20 Mar

If you read my last post, you know where my head’s at with this whole business. I won’t lie; I had a couple of meltdowns this week. I’m a creature of habit, and all these necessary changes to how we’ve got to live life for the next little while is really wearing on me. Seriously. […]

since all my live gigs are cancelled for the next little while

19 Mar

Given that so many of us who are musicians are finding ourselves without places to play in this age of social distancing and pandemics and all, after some sort of clandestine testing earlier this week, I shall be doing my own streaming show on Saturday afternoon at 4pm on Facebook Live: I’m calling it Chuck […]

those who DO remember the past are just doomed

17 Mar

Coping with the current General State of Things™ certainly isn’t made easier when you have a degree in history, and not just because it lets you pervert Santayana for effect. Beyond the whole “plaugues of the xx20s” thing that’s going around the internets, the stock market fluctuating wildly then tanking (which is mostly due to […]

road trip in the pandemic age, and a plea to support your local

16 Mar

So, for the most part, I practiced social distancing this weekend, spending most of Saturday and Sunday alone in my car with audiobooks traveling I-95. Of course, at the mid-point of my 600 mile highway odyssey, I spent a few hours making music with a small group of friends in St. Matthews, South Carolina at […]

friday random elevenish: “the usual (as such)” edition

13 Mar

So, beyond the pandemic we’re dealing with in the other post, my world’s largely been occupied with long days spinning well over a hundred pages of well-written (if I do say so myself) bullshit to accomplish the Herculean effort of pulling together the acquisition package for a multi-million dollar omnibus IT services contract that should […]

it’s going to get weird

12 Mar

Wasn’t it fun when we were all arguing about old white guys running for President? the obsessions of the public consciousness seem to move faster than the speed of thought these days, given that we’ve all got access to all the world’s information in our pockets, and there are multiple 24 hour “news” organizations scrambling […]

mellow greeting citizen!

11 Mar

Rampant exchange of bodily fluids was a major cause of society’s downfall. After AIDS, the was NRS, then there was UBT. One of the first things Cocteau did was outlaw and engineer all fluid transfer out of socially accepted behavior…

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