Archive for August, 2024

promo – dragoncon schedule

27 Aug

Leaving for Dragoncon tomorrow; splitting the trip over two days, but I’ll be there relatively early on Thursday. Here’s where I’ll definitely be; otherwise, unless something neat comes up and I have someone to cover my table, I’ll be shilling merchandise in the Marriott on the Marquis level:

promo – “warmest regards” pre-order

25 Aug

Warmest Regards, the third full-length release from Chuck Parker, features more of the funny, filky, and occasionally lyrically-complicated geek-rock tunes you’ve come to expect, including musings on game night, late-night nerd movie nostalgia, unexpected encounters with explicit prose, and aggressively polite email. It also includes new versions of a couple of old favorites (because Chuck […]

friday random elevenish: “a parker looks at fifty” edition

23 Aug

Today is kind of a big deal. Today, I turn fifty years old. Neither of the previous Charles Parkers made it this far. It feels kind of weird to be here. This is, oddly enough, uncharted territory. I am, in a lot of ways, at least below the neck, in the best shape of my […]

friday random elevenish – “weird” edition

02 Aug

This week’s been less than optimal for several reasons. Taking the day off for some medical stuff that I’m stressed enough about left me with almost eighty emails to sort through this morning, and getting up at all this morning felt awful because yesterday felt at all times exactly like Saturday. All that busy probably […]

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