Archive for September, 2024

friday random elevenish: “so how about that debate, huh?” edition

13 Sep

This work week’s been kind of a whiplash-inducing experience, starting with a two-day “retreat” during which my work team did a bunch of decidedly not-work things; like guided meditation, painting, ice-breaker games, and going out to a nice dinner; to focus on the importance of self-care and engage in some team-building. It was…pleasant. It also […]

friday random elevenish: “live music out the wazoo”

06 Sep

So, I’m a few days back at work after a week-and-a-half break that included all kinds of interesting things, including, as mentioned previously, my debut as a solo performer guest at Dragoncon. That adventure, overall, went pretty well. I played some solid shows, got some nice reviews, saw some old friends, made some new ones, […]

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