living with mts

08 Oct

The last thing I expected to witness this weekend was a brutal murder.

While out taking care of the shopping and whatnot Saturday afternoon (this trip involved trying to find baklava for Mary’s “Wednesday afternoon, we dine…In Hell!” greek festival at school this week), I popped into one of the local pet shops as I am wont to do; and picked up a trio of guppies; just the thing to liven up my 20g now that the platies have all passed on (I lost one a little over a wek ago; she apparently died in childbirth). It needed something, and these guys, as cute and cheap as they are, looked like it.

After getting them home (not finding the hellenic pastry), acclimating them to the tank, and netting them in, within an hour, the female betta savagely killed one of the females, and continued to chase the other two. She tends to do a little territorial picking here and there, but I’ve never seen this kind of aggro from her. We mourned, but let well enough alone, figuring the dead one might have been on her way out anyway, but I still felt really bad about causing that kind of carnage.

Sunday morning, everyone was still alive, but the boy had a chunk of tail missing.

So, now I have three fish tanks running, having pulled the old two gallon hex out of the closet and giving the guppies their own place.

I hope I’m not pushing it.

Oh well; tonight? Heroes on tv. (and, probably finding out if The Richmond Ballet owns our weekends until Christmas, since the cast list ought to be up this afternoon) Tomorrow? hand surgery.

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