
10 Jul

From this, responding to this, which was, in turn, responding to this:

… I applaud cats for taking control of their evolutionary destiny. I don’t want a pet to be too industrious. I get pets because they’re relaxing. I don’t require strict obedience from a pet, and I like cats because they don’t obey you, but in exchange they don’t need as much from you as dogs. There’s just less codependence in the cat/person relationship. And what’s great about that is that cats show that just because they’re not codependent doesn’t mean they don’t love you…

Can I just say…THIS ↑↑↑↑ ?

The fact that my cats are not completely dependent on me, and would certainly get along fine without me were I to disappear (probably because they’d happily consume my corpse for sustenance), but still continue to stick around because they occasionally enjoy my company and offer friendly purrs and meows from time to time is exactly why I like them.

Amiable companionship with a comfortable distance; that’s not at all useless (though I could sometimes do without the puke on my good shoes).

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