promo: bureaucratic talking shutdown blues – 2023 edition

30 Sep

Like I’ve said, I get a lot of mileage out of this song, because this is the world and political environment we live in, and mused about how I should update it. So I did.

Not only did I tweak the lyrics, but I played/programmed an entirely new recording with a nice electric Texas roadhouse blues feeling to it, that I don’t think entirely sucks, and hope that my friends and fans might feel the same way, since odds were good that I’d be looking at some time off this week, and maybe toss a few cents my way.

I’m going to call it lucky as well, as right after I hit publish, I saw the headline that the House passed a 45 day CR that’s good odds to pass in the Senate today, and render all this OBE.

Oh well, I hadn’t recorded anything new in a while, wanted to see how things worked in the new house, Bandcamp Friday’s coming up this week, and worst case, we’re doing all this again in six weeks, with all kinds of new interesting wrinkles about Ukraine aid and motions to vacate, so I’m leaving things out there.


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