I think I’ve already titled a post “this is why”
…but this is as good an explanation as any for why I self-identify as a Democrat rather than something else:
Sayeth President Obama as he worked to corral House Democrats to support the health care reform bill:
…Something inspired you to get involved, and something inspired you to be a Democrat instead of running as a Republican…Because somewhere deep in your heart you said to yourself, ‘I believe in an America in which we don’t just look out for ourselves, that we don’t just tell people you’re on your own.’
I think that just about covers it.
We’re all in this together, stuck with one another, at least for the near term, on this wet blue ball of rock whipping around an unremarkable yellow star, in a galaxy winding its way through an ever-expanding universe. Why shouldn’t public policy reflect the idea that we and the only home we have ought to be healthy and provided for?