2012 by the numbers
27 Dec
Describing the last year in quantifiable terms:
- unique visits to this blog this year (so far): 4,927
- posts this year (so far, including this one): 155
- books read (so far): 83
- books acquired: many
- sporting events attended: 4
- musical performances attended: 21
- theatrical productions attended: 5
- fan conventions attended: 6
- miles bicycled: 950 (so far)
- inches lost from waist mesurement on pants: 2.5
- pants sacrificed to the patron deity of crayons in the dryer: 2
- number of instruments culled from the guitar herd: 2
- number of times ukulele played in public: 2
- cats lost: 1
- cats acquired: 1
- miles driven: roughly 13,000
- nights spent in a hotel: 120
- nights spent in a tent: 4
- dungeons and dragons levels earned: 12
- roleplay characters killed out from under me: 0 (which is nice)
- number of hours on my Skyrim save: 200, more or less
- new jobs started: 1
- number of national parks visited: 6
- telephone poles backed into: 1
- tie died t-shirts made: 3
- number of times the pre-schooler has tearfully screamed “MOM!” from her bedroom instead of just going to bed like she’d been told to since I started typing this list: several dozen
So, there it is, in terms of numbers. Less quantifiably, many good times were had, much stress was endured, several new friends were made, and a great number of asian and middle eastern meals were prepared and consumed. A stressful year full of change and shakeups, but also filled with many interesting new adventures. I’ll take it.
Later on, a run down of notable posts from the last year. See ya!