my friends make things
09 Nov
I make no secret of the fact that I have a *ton* of talented friends (I mean, I’ve never weighed them or anything, but…); today, of all days, a whole slew of them released, or started up crowdfunding efforts in support of, new projects that are really all very good and exciting. It’s only fair I do my part to share their efforts, mostly because their stuff is really good, and also because they’ve been uniformly supportive of my meager creative efforts over the years as well!
- My friend Metricula had her latest, “Politicians Make Sh*t GYNs”, released today on The FuMP. It’s a great feminist protest anthem, and I had the honor of being part of the inaugural live performance of this one back in September, along with our friends the Misbehavin’ Maidens!
- My wrock friends Hawthorn and Holly just opened up the Kickstarter Campaign for their latest record, We Are The Wizard Resistance this morning. It’s gonna be a great one, especially if you like pop-punk wizard rock!
- Finally, my comic creator friend Nick Davis opened up his Kickstarter for the lastest issue of his all-ages adventure comic The Teddy Bear Tales. Nick’s work is always great, and perfect for kids and families to read together!
All of these projects are totally worth supporting; why not take a look and maybe throw your support behind them as well?