personal milestones
Just a couple of notes of celebration, or something…
Note The First: I did my third cycling fifty(-two)-miler of the summer on Sunday. Averaged over 14mph, knocked twenty minutes off of my best time, and did the whole business in under four hours. My ass kind of gave out after about 45 miles, but that’s a hazard of the hobby, y’know?
Note the Second: In the area of hobbies that subsidize themselves, I finally earned enough streaming royalties from my music on the services that I got an actual pay-out from my distributor. It wasn’t *a lot* of money, but if you know how streaming services work for artists, it’s significant nonetheless.
So Dunning-Kruger be damned; the next time I feel out of shape, or that people aren’t listening, I can point myself to this post, which I’m totally not bookmarking on the topline of my browser.
Um…yay me.