a hypothetical
Is it wrong to wish for the result of one test to be just bad enough to encourage emergency measures to bring an ongoing situation to its ultimate, positive resolution much more rapidly?
Because after the last week or so, Colleen and I would honestly be much happier with a bit of bad (but not too bad, of course) news up front if it get everything over with a week earlier.
And because I love my wife, and this part of the process always does terribly ugly things to her physically (and me, mentally and emotionally), I’m conflicted, because I’m feeling guilty about wishing for a temporary ill (which, okay, she’s wishing for too, and nothing this time’s been – physically – as bad as in the past, but…) to get things over with as quickly as possible, which, in the end, will make us both much happier.
That’s what we’ve been dealing with for the past couple of days, anyway. We really thought we’d be done last Wednesday.
At least this’ll be the last time. No clown cars for us, thank you very much.