a week. a weekend.
Spent much of the past week feeling pretty awful. There was some sort of viral thing kicking around the office the week previous, and it landed on me, hard, over the weekend, so much so that I took last Monday off and slept for something like 16 hours straight.
I’d mostly gotten clear of it by the end of the week, just in time for it to start to hit some of the kids; this time with fever! Yay. Otherwise, the week was mostly quiet (other than the fevered moaning), with some bass practice, and other rehearsals thrown in, both for stuff a few weeks down the road and for a quick road trip this weekend to play at UC Norfolk on Sunday morning (they’ve been having a rough time of late, and some of our folks filled in to help out). Special points for the meal afterward at Pasha Mezze; if you’re out that way, try the lentil cakes.
The other big deal this weekend, of course, was taking in a screening of Guardians of the Galaxy on Friday (late night Thursday just wasn’t going to happen), which is not just as amazingly entertaining as you’d heard – it’s better, and deserved every penny of it’s huge opening weekend. Go see it.
Oh, and I lay the blame straight at my friend Mike for this:

At least maybe it’ll improve my fitness level…