a week. off.
I have not been to work this week, at all. I am taking a well-earned vacation, before diving into what we’ll surely be a couple of weeks of total crazy, although there’s a light at the end of that tunnel, which I’ll talk about when the time is right, which isn’t now.
I started my vacation with a good, old-fashioned summer cold, likely brought on by lack of sleep, stress, and lowered general resistance to all the usual infectious crap that floats through our environment that our bodies normally fight off as a matter or routine.
After spending Sunday and Monday fighting that off, we spent a couple of days at the beach. Just two nights in an oceanfront hotel room – which is, frankly, just about the perfect length of time to spend there. Beach resort towns get tedious really fast. Same crap for sale, block after block, and just enough decent (but not really excellent) restaurants to get through in about five meals. The ocean was nice, though a little goes a long way for me. The afternoon at the Virginia Aquarium was nice, as it always is, as was the dolphin watching cruise along the coast. We saw some baby dolphins, it was cool (although they weren’t particularly interested in posing for pictures).
My wife, did, however, take this pretty nice photo:

But, now I’m back home, which gives me a couple of days to recover from my vacation before I head back to the office grind, which is probably going to grind extra hard for a little while, as I mentioned in the first paragraph.