afk, or something

31 Mar

The six of you who look at this space regularly probably missed out on the usual random playlist on Friday, or much of anything lately. Occasionally I step away, sometimes on purpose, sometimes because the office got busy, and decided to block some php code that lets me update things around here from within that network. Oh well.

I did some stuff anyway. I played some tunes at Fantasci with the Humdingers in Raleigh, which was a nice little con with some very friendly staff, but absolutely dead in terms of merchandise sales. I did get to play with the full 5 piece band on Saturday night, though, which was cool, as the junior Humdingers are pretty talented. I did end up coming home from the con on Saturday night; missing karaoke, but otherwise did okay, getting to sleep in my own bed, and hang with the fam at the Church Hill Irish Festival in the city on Sunday. I also left my book of tunes at Humdinger Central, but I’ll grab it some other time, and I can mostly reconstitute from digital archives anyway.

The week at work was relatively uneventful. The usual project delay garbage, my office phone being down for some reason (which honestly isn’t a big problem for me), and whatnot. I also did the quarterly dog and pony show* with my various customers to give them the state of things and talk schedules, which went well enough, and I don’t really have to think much about it for a couple of months.

I did take the day off on Thursday to chaperone the 5th grade field trip to Washington DC, where we checked out museums and walked some of the memorials, including some I’d never actually been to before, including the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (“The Wall”) an the Korean War Memorial, which is kind of neat. The kids had fun, and I got a nice change of pace.

The weekend that just passed had some interesting events; I played the open mic at Väsen Brewing in town Friday night, knocking out a few tunes, seeing some open mic friends from other events, and enjoying the tunes from house band Weekend Plans. The room itself was a little cavernous, so I’m not sure exactly what folks heard what *any* of us were laying down, but it was fun, people (those who were paying attention, anyway, not that guy sitting front and center staring at the projected video on the opposite wall) said nice things, and I’ll probably do it again sometime.

Saturday was a new experience, tailgating and shouting along with the River City Red Army at the home opener for the Richmond Kickers Soccer Club with friends who are big fans. We had a blast, and we’ll likely do it again soon. After the game, we popped over to Castleburg for dinner and caught a set from Sweet Something, a great jazz combo.

Today I’m just taking it easy, doing laundry and helping the youngest put together a D&D adventure she plans on running with friends over spring break, and planning on making some vegetarian curry for dinner later.

The coming week should be uneventful, but as usual, one can really only hope for the best there.


* – Sadly lacking any actual dogs and/or ponies.

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