all quiet on the eastern cold front

09 Dec

So, the big weather system that was supposed to cause such havoc ended up just being kinda wet and cold around here. Didn’t stop a bunch of things from being cancelled this weekend, though – which means, among other things, something I was hoping to be clear of after about 5pm on Sunday ended up dragging on another week. It is, however a good learning experience for the kids, and it provides the perfect opening to introduce Waiting for Guffman into conversation a lot, so it’s not entirely bad.

I’ve spent much of the previous week supporting kid efforts, organizing and stashing holiday gift shipments, and driving out to Chesapeake on Saturday to hang with some excellent folks for a great little Christmas party, featuring the Creepy Christmas music of my friend Jonah Knight (seriously, buy his records), and hosted by KT (seriously, buy her books) and Kevin, some friends from the con circuit who I don’t see nearly enough. A good time was had by all, strange double-entendres were exchanged (a standard risk when several attendees are erotica authors), and at least one adipose was hand-crafted from marshmallows. thanks for the invite, you guys!

I’ve also been sick as a proverbial sick person with some sort of upper respiratory thing that’s had me barking like a kobold for the last week, but other than mainlining cough drops and blowing my nose constantly, I’ve been otherwise mostly functional. It was bad earlier in the week, but is now largely confined to creating unpleasant vocal inflections.

Two weeks ago now (didn’t get around to mentioning it before) – I did hit the VA Comicon, getting some neat stuff and meeting friends old and new, like the crew from 21 Sandshark, finally meeting Alt-World’s Nick Davis, a longtime online acquaintance, having a nice conversation with Pop Mhan, an excellent artist who just finished up a run on DC’s Masters of the Universe book which was way better than I expected, and meeting and talking to David Landis, a local graphic designer who creates amazing papercraft projects at Desktop Gremlins, which the youngest and I have had lots of fun building and putting together. I highly recommend picking up volume 1 (which I proudly own, and have given as a gift) if you like making cool things, and also recommend kicking in on his current kickstarter for the Papercraft Inventor’s Activity Book, which is in the home stretch, and could use some support, because I really want my copy of this book!

In any case, that’s the story of my life, other than the kitten chewing through one of the HDMI cables in my home theater rig this weekend. She’s really living up to her name, which, at least in this case, is kind of a shame. Good thing she’s cute.

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