always look on the bright side of life

01 Dec

I expect a lot of people get weary of my regular crowing about how much I like the webcomic xkcd, but I keep on doing it because it speaks to me, and when a piece of art or music or whatever does that, I like to share it. I always check it out m/w/f first thing when it comes out, but if you don’t want to do that, you can always check out this handy resource first.

Anyway, today’s entry, #828: Positive Attitude, struck me as particularly entertaining, and, perhaps, resonating to my own life.

Here’s a hotlink, though it’s probably too small to read. click to make legible:

It’s a nice little response to all those people who constantly flog you when you’re feeling down about the total, redeeming power of a positive attitude, as if that’s the only thing that’s going to fix the often very real problems in your life. To me, it says that just because you’re not covering up your depression, pain, fear, or sadness with a forced rictus grin doesn’t mean that you’re not working through your problems in a way that works for your situation.

No Responses to “always look on the bright side of life”

  1. 1
    Mr. pikavippi Says:

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    yes, I know this is spam, but I’ve scrubbed his links and email, and just left the exquisite word salad. It’s definitely part of my “favorites entanglement page file”. -chuck

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