So, my lovely spouse and I have been married for 18 years today.
My marriage is old enough to vote.
I’ve been taking moments here and there to let that idea sink in. I guess, through all this other stuff, we’ve figured out how to do this marriage thing. It feels strange, but also good*.
Anyway…I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I found the person who’ll put up with all my idiosyncracies, and I’m not going to let go.
The universe seemed to be looking in on us for this one, because it saw fit to arrange for Eddie Izzard to come to town and do his show for our benefit** tonight, so that’s what we’re doing; dinner and a show. We deserve it.
Love you, my dear. thanks for putting up with me.
*-the fact that she’ll likely recognize this awkwardly placed Wesley Crusher quote is one of the reasons our marriage works.
**-…well, not really, though as we paid the theater money for the tickets, he is, in some small way, our dancing monkey for the evening.