Antici…..(wait for it)….pation. And a little bit of resolution, too.

12 Jul

Assuming no more problems, tomorrow, the bathroom floor will be done (it better be, I’ve paid the up-front deposit already!). Tonight’s going to involve some heavy lifting, getting the washer and dryer out of the way (got a hand truck for that, shouldn’t be a problem), and getting all the stuff that’s fallen into the “behind” black hole out (I expect a quite joyous reunion with several missing socks, at the very least), and clearing out the errant dryer lint, since I can never manage to keep the vent hose attached properly (That’ll be something else I try to fix while the dryer’s out in the open, and I have clear access to the back of it.).

Mostly, I’m just happy to finally get this project finally wrapped up; it’s been dragging on way too long for my taste. There will be great relief when I have a new floor, and I can move on to other projects. I have some fixtures, both plumbing and lighting, that need replaced, and some sanding and painting to do.

At least we closed out one other lingering transaction yesterday – third time’s the charm, as they say, since we got the new, proper A/C adapter for Colleen’s laptop in the mail, and I sent back the previous two wrong ones in a pre-paid shipping box. Colleen celebrated the new non-mangled power cable and high-capacity battery by doing a fresh install of Ubuntu 7.04 (so we have a matching set of three “Feisty Fawn” boxes) and jacking into the home network, all while watched old Sylvester McCoy-era Doctor Who and BSG DVDs.

Yeah, we’re geeks – what of it?

Otherwise, we’ve been trying to come to grips with the not entirely unpleasant, but still stressful anxiety about the impending arrival. We have all the absolutely necessary stuff we’ll need immediately (place for baby to sleep, some stuff for baby to wear, car seat for baby to travel in) nailed down, but we’re still working through the whole “we’re going to have a baby by the end of next month” attitude adjustment, which will come in time, I’m sure.

I’m mostly concerned about getting through the delivery itself – that whole bit about it being entirely out of my hands stresses me out to no end. Once the baby’s around, things will be fine, as babies and I get along great; the friction doesn’t come until they’re toddlers.

Other stuff on the Horizon? We’ve an anniversary (nine years!) in just under a week, the worldwide Harry Potter blackout, a little elective surgery, Some job-sponsored training, and, if I’m lucky, a job interview or two.

One of these days, probably after I finish rereading HBP (the UK edition), but before Deathly Hallows hits, I’ll re-visit my book 7 predictions from a few years back, so I can either be proven particularly qualified to teach Divination, or completely full of Hippogriff droppings.

Oh, and I found this little piece earlier this week, which made me LQTM* more than was really appropriate.

dropping the pancake,

* – Laughing Quietly To Myself – what people are most often really doing when they type “LOL” on the internet. I’d really like to get LQTM to take off with the IM kiddies, but I know it won’t.

Oh crap, somebody beat me to it.

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