because it might be important or something
Looking at my hit stats for the last month or so, I’m getting a bunch of unfamiliar hits (most of it seems related to all the Doctor Who blogging I’ve been doing lately) from people I’m not necessarily expecting, so I though it might be a good time to sort of re-introduce myself, for what little that’s going to be worth.
As you might expect, I’m Chuck, and this is my soapbox, my cry for help, my means of bellowing opinions and random thoughts balefully at the darkness. Sometimes, it helps me to remember what I did this time last year. It is, in short, a blog.
If you’re interested in who I am, I keep a bland, business card sort of site at, but really, there’s nothing there that you won’t infer from the stuff you’re finding here. The words here are pretty much a direct dump from my cerebral cortex – if you want to know what’s going through my head at a given moment, the site you are currently reading is your best source.
You might also ask about whether I’m on all those fancy social network sites – the answer is yes, I’ve claimed space on several, though rarely use any of them besides twitter, a service I consider myself a big fan of. Feel free to “friend” me on the others, but I honestly don’t find reason to use them much beyond a quick glance now and then.
That’s really about it, really. Enjoy your visit; if something affects you, feel free to comment; I enjoy comments that aren’t from ‘bots trying to sell me penis inflation pills.