beyond the legendary washroom

08 Jan

The project I’m beginning this week seems pretty much the same as all the others; it’s essentially “old home week” – very few new faces, lots and lots of old friends.  The venue’s changed, but the show is very much the same.

Also, while the project, once it gets rolling, looks be pretty agressive, and will keep us all VERY busy, the first week, as usual, is full of lots of oddly familiar kickoff meetings, getting IT resources and access sorted out, and a lot of sitting around until everything gets sorted out.  And, it’s always pretty rough to deal with; having nothing to do is, in many ways, more of a hassle than being overloaded.

Anyway, that’s really enough about work.  There’s really not a lot to talk about.  Being on the road kind of sucks, as I’ve gottten used to being at home for the last year; And, I’m sure I’ve completely thrown off the baby’s daily routine by not coming home at night.  I also could probably be kind of useful at home this week, what with the visitors coming this weekend.  Still, It puts money in my pocket, and this week, gives me the opportunity to catch some serious evening down time to beat whatever this cold/flu bug I have working through my system (I slept about 11 hours last night, and wouldn’t mind at least that tonight); I hope I’ll be past the worst of it by Thursday.

I’m staying a little off the beaten path this week (well, the office is really off the beaten path, but I’m in a neighborhood a short train ride away from the rest of my cohorts); but the hotel is quiet, has nice free food, and while it doesn’t offer free wireless internet access, the Holiday Inn across the street does, which is more than enough for my purposes. 😉

That’s about all I’m going to write tonight – I’m going to take my Nyquil, crawl into bed, watch the news for a while, and fall asleep reading a book.

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