calling it a win

21 Feb

The open mic went way better than I could have hoped. We had enough performers to more than fill the allotted time without me having to step up to fill extra time, a great crowd who bought lots of beer and sandwiches, leading to very appreciative brewery management (Wednesdays are usually very low, especially when the weather’s iffy), and my opening set didn’t suck!*

I walked out feeling proud of my efforts, my wallet a little heavier, and with a commitment that we’ll all be doing this again next month!

Like I’d said, I was more nervous than I expected about how this whole thing was going to go down; I really wanted to make a good showing – being the host/emcee is really new territory for me, and I generally think I pulled it off. Having a bunch of great performers (including a bunch of friends from all over town, and several refugees from the much lamented and currently on hiatus Isley open mic) helped to make my job easy, as well as having my lovely spouse along for the ride to help me sort out the way-more-complicated-than-mine sound board.

In a period where I really needed a win, I got one. I feel good.


* – for a few hours after the fact, you could actually see my set out there on the social medias, though apparently the video of me, my mostly-original tunes, and (as several folks commented) my skinny jeans that my lovely spouse shot (quite nicely, using the tripod and everything) got flagged, somehow, as posessing twelve seconds violating the copyright of some Brazilian TV network. Surely, it’s a mistake, but who the hell feels like going through the trouble. I’d bet that if we knocked a couple of seconds off of either end and reposted, it’d pass muster just fine. Oh well.

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