catching breath

18 Jun

So, I didn’t get a whole lot of downtime this weekend.

Starting with Friday afternoon, I left work, rode a quick ten on the trail, then made my way over to the local high school auditorium (now vacated by students, since Friday was the last day) to set-up and assist where necessary for the dress and “tech” rehearsal for the dance recital scheduled for Saturday.

Given the weird, incomprehensible, and undocumented sound board installed there (we ran into issues last year as well) not supporting our needs (or indeed reliably playing music through the house speakers in any way), I ended up running home (thankfully, only a mile away from the venue) and grabbing the little portable P.A. that’s been sitting in a corner of my house since April when I carried it home from Ravencon for a friend who said she’s get it later (which still hasn’t come) and ended up saving the day. Not all heroes, as they say, wear capes. This rehearsal ran late into the evening, after which I came home and collapsed, since I’d been running all week with stress and depression and whatnot, both from me and from the rest of the family who were also jittery, given recital nerves and end-of-school feelings and whatever.

Saturday I woke early-ish, knocked another ten miles out, handled a few errands, got some people rolling on cleaning things up, did some laundry, and tried to relax for an hour or two (read some book, commandeered the PS4 to play a little FFXII remastered, realizing that I hadn’t played it in six months per the save file date), before heading out to drop some books at the library and wander around the general village green area to catch larvitars for Pokemon Go Community Day (I got three shinies – a pretty good effort) before coming home, re-dressing in backstage black, and getting the sound dialed in and running audio for the recital, which wasn’t the complete flustercluck we were expecting; it at least sounded good. I’ll take it. The fam put in a good showing, at any rate, and afterwards, we closed down the local mexican place down the street with some out-of-town friends who came to see us and one of the other adult dancers and her friend (all of us got along swimmingly, and I think we just enabled a new social interface).

Sunday the family took me(?) to Busch Gardens to wander around for Fathers’ Day and check out the food and wine festival they’ve got going on. The park was pretty lightly populated overall, which was nice – lines were short, food was good, and I got to ride a bunch of roller coasters (since the youngest child decides she likes them); this time around we knocked out Invadr and Verbolten; I’ll take it.

I’m kinda spent. Weather’s supposed to be really, really hot – we’ll see how the biking holds out, maybe not a 60-80 mile week this week, but I spent our drive out to Williamsburg yesterday recce-ing my Va Capital trail bike route – I just need to pick the day.

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