Archive for the 'bitching' Category
friday random elevenish: “worst in recent memory” edition
Overall, this has been a pretty crappy week. Sunday morning I was chopping vegetables into the crock pot for vegetable soup and tagged the tip of my left ring finger with a just-swharpened knife. Ouch. Also, having the bandage there has wseriously impeded productivity; it keeps getting in the way of the typing by which […]
friday non-random single: “watching washington” edition
Bureaucratic Talking Shutdown Blues (2020) by Chuck Parker Damn, I’m getting a lot of mileage out of this tune, though I suppose I need to update it with some new lyrics, maybe about how this whole thing really stems from that one time that Kevin McCarthy cock-blocked Matt Gaetz… In any case, I’ve spent the […]
the imposter digs out
Been a bit of an overwhelming week and change. LONG work days involving going into an actual office for several days in the interest of meeting deadlines and doing our part to quash the “drinking from the fire hose” mentality my workplace just can’t seem to let go of. Lots of personal stuff to do […]
friday random elevenish: “complaining into promo” edition
Not a lot of engagement with the world, online or otherwise that hasn’t had to do with work these last two weeks. That can happen when you get assigned a seriously time-sensitive and poorly-documented requirement that somebody just dropped and abandoned four or five months ago, and needs to be solved now or the organization […]
friday random elevenish: “never got the hang of…” edition
Not loving this week. In particular, Thursday. I’m not sure I mentioned it previously, but we’ve been down a car the last week and change after somebody forgot the emergency brake and the Honda rolled back into a gas pump pollard and hyper-extended the open door. As such, I’ve really not had the range of […]
friday random elevenish: “not feeling it” edition
Been a hell of a week all around. Don’t feel like talking about it. Here’s what Spotify spit out this morning while I’ve been doing my best to smile through the despair That’s a link, btw, to a track from my quick-and-dirty bandcamp release of fawm two-track demos – the whole six-track record may be […]