Archive for the 'bitching' Category

friday random elevenish: “budget drills” edition

11 Mar

Not a whole lot of note to report regarding the week; it just sort of was. Couple of things of note, however… Woke up this morning to the encouraging headline that both houses of Congress have passed the omnibus spending bill six months into the fiscal year, so we won’t have to deal with continuing […]

friday random elevenish: “the first sentence of ‘a tale of two cities'” edition

04 Mar

Let’s start the weekend off with a literary reference, huh? The past week was, to paraphrase Dickens, the best and worst of times. On the good side, I made a whole lot of progress on projects at work, and after more than a year in, the way my work group is organized is finally starting […]

friday random elevenish: “peter principled to death” edition

18 Feb

Yeah, maybe just a little overwhelmed this week, not unlike every other recent week, frankly, but…yeah. Lots of stuff at work, too many damned meetings, briefings, process changes, paperwork, email threads, and…etc. Stuff at home as well – too many bodies in a small space, a huge decluttering project which I truly appreciate, though the […]

friday random elevenish: “and whadaya get” edition

11 Feb

I’ll be honest, I’m pretty damned exhausted. It’s been a long week. Pretty much every work day has clocked in at well over the standard eight hours; I’ve been plugged into online meetings for most of those hours, and the rest has been full of documentation, deployment planning for an upcoming major system upgrade, test […]

friday random elevenish: “opposite of afterglow” edition

28 Jan

On Wednesday evening, I was driving my lovely spouse and youngest child back from a recreational activity involving frozen water, and my head started throbbing. Started in the sinuses, and progressed from there; lights of oncoming cars appearing extra intense, noise starting to bother me, all that crap. We made it home, I took my […]

seasons change with their scenery

25 Jan

If I look back at the calendar and tally all the stuff I clearly got done, it’s obvious there was a weekend, but damn if I’m not having a bit of a difficult time feeling like I had two days away from my desk and all the usual office weirdness of making sure the data […]

friday random elevenish: “bitching in the new year” edition

07 Jan

this image is what I need, not how I’m feeling For the first week back to the grind after a holiday break that wasn’t particularly awesome, thanks to all kinds of external factors, it was, at best, not ideal, and otherwise, kind of a shit show. Work, frankly, sucked, mostly because a few external entities […]

external factors

05 Jan

Unlike my senator and fellow Replacements fan Tim Kaine, the snow here in VA had rather little impact for me. Sure, my office location was technically closed Monday and Tuesday, though since telework means snow days really aren’t a thing anymore, I just worked through it from my desk at home, barely noticing a difference. […]

omicron delta

30 Nov

While I was taking my leave of the online world this weekend, another ‘rona variant arrived on the scene, designated Omicron (o), which a much scarier sounding greek letter than Delta (δ), even if we don’t know much of anything about it and it’s actual impact just yet. As for what I’m doing about it, […]

friday random elevenish: “remember, remember” edition

05 Nov

The whole idea of blowing up a legislative body right now is (figuratively, of course) maybe a little more attractive to me than it probably should be. Apart from the current shenanigans around BIF/BBB (some of which might actually get a vote today? maybe?) which almost certainly played a small part* in the less-than-preferable election […]

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