Archive for the 'bitching' Category

wrong side of the weekend

17 May

It really wasn’t the most awesome weekend, sad to say. Really, I honestly just started behind, unable to shake continuing bureaucratic nightmares that seem to be my lot in life these last few weeks (I’m taking all kinds of heat because my name is on a project that is being held up by two warring […]

mostly nice

11 May

I took a few days off last week. I rather needed it. I slept in (for certain personal values of “slept in”), got some stuff done that needed doing (mowed the grass, detailed the car, etc), tried to relax a bit, and then on Friday, I got up in the morning and did the Cap2Cap, […]

recurrence side effects may include vexation

04 May

In an *interesting* development, ten days after getting my second dose of the Pfizer shot, Monday night I got hit with a repeat performance of those wonderful side effects. Not as intense as the initial round, but still a slightly elevated fever, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Joy. I know this means that it’s […]

friday random elevenish: “it’s all breaking” edition

30 Apr

Apart from my spending the whole week thinking it was a day later than it was, I got a heck of a lot done, at least up until Thursday. Never got the hang, etc. Earlier in the week, they started migrating the email system at work to a different platform (the whats and whos aren’t […]

friday random elevensies: “second vaccination” edition

23 Apr

So, I came to the realization mid-way through yesterday that I’ve been working way too damned hard the last two weeks. It’s true, I’ve been hugely productive at work, I’ve ridden a ton of miles on the bike, and I’ve even gotten a start on the Humdingers tracks I owe my bandmates down south. That […]

friday random elevenish: “9/10ths a failure” edition

16 Apr

So, in most endeavors this week, I struggled to make anyone particularly happy; stuff just didn’t seem to work out. I plugged through work, settled some issues, but saw a bunch of others arise. I had one really nice bike ride on Tuesday, though weather and pollen kind of spoiled the rest of the week, […]

friday random elevenish: “more of the same” edition

09 Apr

While work was as frustrating as requirements review board submission deadline week usually is, it was an otherwise decent week. The certification test I’m running in the other piece of my job that I haven’t been able to let go of yet after the reorg in February is going swimmingly, and more importantly, the weather’s […]

he’s going the distance

30 Mar

Apart from a few issues, the weekend was quite nice. Had a beautiful bike ride on Saturday morning, enjoying 32 miles in the sun, a new record for me, and good conditioning for the Cap2Cap in May. The girls at home had a busy day Saturday as well; the dance school performing company got themselves […]

friday random elevenish – “sprung” edition

26 Mar

So I guess it’s kinda spring now? We’re supposed to top 80° here in the RVA today, after two days of solid (but warm) rain. I’ll take it. Lions, lambs, all that crap, right? The week itself has been about standard, at least standard for weeks where I have to run the gauntlet of senior […]

thursday random elevenish: “updating from tuesday?” edition

18 Mar

As alluded to earlier this week, the weather’s been rather awful, and it’s been keeping me from my primary source of stress relief; getting outside and riding the bike. The severe weather warnings have been coming in most of the week for the mid-Atlantic/Southeast, talk of 40-60 mph winds and tennis ball hail, which, y’know, […]

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