Archive for the 'bitching' Category

after the rain

16 Mar

I’m a little frustrated with the weather this week. Well, I’m frustrated with a bunch of things, really, especially at work, as I work to navigate a process that isn’t a process in the current “official” job, and deal with system partners who won’t listen to truths they don’t like in the “old” job that […]

friday random elevenish: “new (big effing) deal” edition

12 Mar

As we make note of the fact that it’s been a year since we’ve officially been using the term “pandemic” to describe the overall condition of the world, we mourn the loss of over half a million of our fellows, lament the denied opportunities for social interaction and live artistic performance and exhibition, and just, […]

couple of times short of one hundred

08 Mar

I was, on the whole, actually pretty happy with the weekend, even if I didn’t quite hit a couple of interesting milestones. As if I don’t have enough deadlines and due dates thanks to my career as a public sector bureaucrat, I find myself forever setting other arbitrary lines to cross in my non-work life […]

thursday random elevenish: “my own worst critic” edition

25 Feb

I was hoping this was going to be a better week than the last, really I was. It rather wasn’t, especially Wednesday. A couple of weeks back, I misread a couple of cells on a spreadsheet cost estimate, leading to me entering the wrong number in another cell of another spreadsheet for a data call. […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “anticipatory power outage” edition

18 Feb

Another weekend, another ice storm in the forecast. Joy. Looking at the most recent maps, I’m hopeful that it won’t be terrible in this corner of the world, I’m also kind of bracing for the worst…again. Sure, we were only out 36 hours last weekend, though when reviewing history, two weeks out is not an […]

♫ batten down the hatches, boys ♫

16 Feb

Well, this weekend was fun. The big 2021 ice storm started doing it’s thing around here on Friday morning, icing up the roads, the trees, the cars, the everything. None of us left the house Friday or Saturday, because the driveway was an ice rink, and we’re still on ‘Rona time anyway. We watched movies, […]

friday random elevenish: “tolerating the white stuff” edition

12 Feb

It’s Friday. About damned time. I’ll be honest, it’s been a heavy week. Accomplished quite a bit, and maybe drank a little too much, but all with an unmistakable air of frustration and bleh. Finally got the lawn guys mostly sorted, and my property is mostly clear of crap before the snowstorm. That effort was […]

climate change is real

08 Feb

H/T to friend Amber for this one Apart from the schizophrenic southern weather, this weekend wasn’t bad. Not saying it was particularly atypical; after all, our world is one where there isn’t a hell of a lot of novelty right now. I watched a couple of movies, finished a book and started another, made a […]

virtually mars

19 Jan

Given current circumstances, as mentioned previously, Marscon didn’t happen as scheduled in person in Williamsburg this year, but a bunch of regulars stepped up to help create a virtual experience for those of us missing our chosen family of misfits. In the form of a bunch of online meetups, streaming video, and all the other […]

friday random elevenish: “so, anything happen this week?” edition

15 Jan

So, given the last ten days or so in Washington, we’re in all kinds of uncharted territory. While the former civics/history teacher in me is fascinated, the concerned citizen in me is, well, concerned, and not in a Susan Collins way. While I am absolutely in favor of impeachment here, because there have to be […]

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