Archive for the 'books' Category

marscon 2014 post-op

21 Jan

As is my family’s habit on a particular weekend in mid-January, we packed up and hauled ourselves to Williamsburg VA for Marscon, perhaps the premiere fan convention in the general Mid-Atlantic region, and rapidly becoming my favorite con that I get to each year. It’s a great chance to share an experience with like-minded people, […]

once again a slave to the grind

07 Jan

So, we all wandered back to the grind this week after a couple of weeks; off, and in most cases, off the grid. The smartphone spent a lot of time in a drawer, and I largely ignored the telephone and the email and the internet (except to grind a bit on Marvel Heroes and pick […]

2013: by the numbers (and otherwise)

31 Dec

If you’ve been following me this year, or talked to me, or lived with me, or saw me at all until perhaps late September, the story of the year has been “Don’t you think he looks tired?”. Odds are it was true – because I was totally knackered. But I survived, and found a more […]

because I’m twelve, apparently

19 Dec

Yes, I understand the evolving nature of language, and how definitions shift over time, but this still hit my lowbrow humor button just right: Perhaps this is related to the Joker’s scheme in 1951’s classic Batman #66?

all quiet on the eastern cold front

09 Dec

So, the big weather system that was supposed to cause such havoc ended up just being kinda wet and cold around here. Didn’t stop a bunch of things from being cancelled this weekend, though – which means, among other things, something I was hoping to be clear of after about 5pm on Sunday ended up […]

friday random ten – “long week(end)” edition

08 Nov

So yes, I only work four days per week (never mind that it’s ten hours per day). Doesn’t matter, I sit here on Friday morning, paying my bills, and I can’t help but reflect that this was one long week, at least from the point of view of this observer. Relativity in action, folks, look […]

friday random ten – “adjustment” edition

27 Sep

I have finished my first week at the new job. As I mentioned previously, I think it’ll be a good experience; it’s been so thus far. I’m still not entirely sure how to deal with the additional time I’ve found myself with. I’m still trying to convince my body that bedtime is no longer 7pm, […]

friday random pandora ten – “catching up, with a little vague philosophizing” edition

06 Sep

I’m in kind of a countdown mode lately, both working my ass off and spinning my wheels at the same time. That description seems contradictory, but if you’ve found yourself staring down a big change on the horizon with enough time to brace for it and put a few lingering affairs in order before the […]

blam! murdered you!

13 Aug

Wanna know how I know that guardians of the galaxy is going to be one of the best movies ever? You need look no further than this two second gif yanked from the leaked comicon footage from a few weeks ago: That’s screen footage of Rocket Raccoon, spraying something or other with a fancy space […]

what i did on my (unpaid) summer vacation – week five

05 Aug

I got up early for a doctor’s appointment, then tried strapping the bike rack on the new car. Thankfully, it fit without too much trouble, even if the bike looks huge hanging off the back: Finding that things fit, I took a nice 10 miler through the woods over at Dutch Gap Conservation area before […]

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