Archive for the 'books' Category

friday random eleven – “lexicographic circular” edition

21 Oct

So, this week has been…this week. Life’s been life, work’s been work. I’ve spent most of my time at the office tying up loose ends and documentation from last week’s dog and pony show in Northern Virginia, and most of my time at home sleeping off migraine-like symptoms that I thought were actually allergies (my […]

“mister doctor…it’s strange”

28 Sep

Historically, I’ve geeked a bit about my love for Mavel B-listers quite a bit in this space, but if I haven’t mentioned it before, Doctor Strange is one of my absolute favorites. He’s a bit atypical of your given 60s Marvel output, but the weird trippy visuals and psychedelica really made the book stand out […]

so that captain america news from yesterday…

26 May

For those not in the know, in the current arc of the new Steve Rogers: Captain America comic (which hit comic shops yesterday), it’s been shockingly revealed that …Cap’s been a HYDRA Agent all along!. Thanks to a full-court press by Marvel Executive Editor/Senior VP of Publishing Tom Brevoort, a nice chunk of the mainstream […]

don’t panic

25 May

in case this needs any explanation. Also, a certain small independent film opened on this date back in 1977, which might be worth celebrating a bit.

friday random ten – “dishcloth” edition

25 Mar

It’s been a hell of a week. I’ve been riding the emotional rollercoaster, given the time of year (I miss my dad). A variable subset of the children have been, shall we say, difficult this week (spring break is coming), though it’s never quite the same problem twice, so it’s hard to nip in the […]

spring, and minor spoilers

21 Mar

It was damned cold this Sunday morning while I poked around the Irish Festival waiting for the girls’ show time to come up. Didn’t stop me from drinking Guinness like everyone who wasn’t waiting in line at the Irish Coffee stand. Anyway, the girls did a masterful job with the performance I saw (they had […]

lost weekend

27 Jan

With the passing of the plow though my neighborhood on Tuesday late afternoon, I guess I can say that life is more or less back to normal after #Snowpocalypse 2016. All told, my workplace was closed two days, I was snowed in one day beyond that, and the kids are *still* out of school. I […]

in memoriam – 2015

04 Jan

I meant to write up something like this weeks ago, but I kind of shut myself mostly out of the internet (other than occasional poking around on social media and playing some games). The break was welcome. I read some books, had a few nice evenings out with family and friends, saw Star Wars a […]

indigenous people’s day off

12 Oct

Hoping this’ll be a quiet week. Personally, I didn’t do a heck of a lot this weekend (thanks to standing obligations being cancelled at the last minute), which was kind of a relief, as I’d been feeling a bit off, with the season change and all the work responsibilities keeping me at the office a […]

just about perfect

09 Oct

I really loved this book/experiment.

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