Archive for the 'books' Category

short attention span multipass-post

07 Oct

umm….. Nothing huge or earthshattering to report or discuss, but not everything has to be, I guess, right? I mean, not everything reaches the lofty heights of green poop, now does it? Life’s been life. I’m trying not to think too hard about workplace shutdowns in December, and I don’t expect the news media, regardless […]

“when a fan list comes out… we look at it!”

02 Oct

With Age of Ultron out on disc today, there’s been a lot of talk with Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige about all kinds of things, including, it seems, Captain Marvel, who, according to this piece, we won’t be getting any casting announcements on this year. Fan casting continues unabated on the internet, however (as […]

vigilantes custodum

21 Jul

Given the baseline of the American school system, it’s kind of atypical that I never read To Kill A Mockingbird in high school – I *think* I touched it in college, but for whatever reason, I don’t have any more than a collective unconscious impression of it from that period; and I know I’ve never […]

more FF musings

06 Jul

Because I have strong opinions on this, and I’ve got to cleanse the palate before stoking the fires on 2016 presidential politics… So, as we get closer to the Fantastic Four reboot release, the marketing continues to be schizophrenic; the guys making it continue to take the “grim and gritty”, “grounded and realistic” take, while […]

all for the want of pants

30 Jun

Younger. Cooler. Smarter. Edgier. This is how Empire Magazine characterizes the new Fantastic Four film in it’s promo image for an upcoming puff piece. Problem is, none of these words really apply to the FF. Fun, Family, Adventure, or even Hokey are all words that would apply to the cast of the “World’s Greatest Comics […]

science the shit out of this

08 Jun

Andy Weir’s The Martian was one of the best books I read last year. If you haven’t read it yet, go do so, immediately. Trust me. In broad terms, it’s the story of an astronaut who gets stranded alone on Mars during a near-future NASA mission, and all the stuff he has to do to […]

ConCarolinas and sundry

27 May

If you’re near Charlotte NC this weekend, I’ll be playing Concarolinas with “Special Musical Guests” The Blibbering Humdingers. We’ve got two big shows Friday and Saturday, plus we’ll probably be goofing off playing music, meeting the public, and selling merch and whatever most the weekend, with our friends Mikey Mason, Valentine Wolfe, and Hawthorn and […]

been a while

08 May

Yes, it’s been almost a month since I posted anything. I’ve been busy. And overwhelmed. And stressed. And engaging in copious business travel involving the wearing of suits on the subway when it’s 90 degrees outside. Not cool. Life’s getting in the way. Pffft. I totally missed my traditional First of May and Star Wars […]

Herb Trimpe

14 Apr

I found out today that artist Herb Trimpe passed away. Perhaps you’ve not heard the name before, but you’ve probably heard of The Incredible Hulk, who Trimpe worked on for most of the 1970s, establishing many of the character’s iconic elements, Wolverine, a character first drawn by Trimpe (who he also co-created with Len Wein […]

this weekend…the tour

09 Apr

If you happen to be in or around North Carolina this weekend, why not swing by The Cary Theater on Friday night or The Green Bean Coffeehouse in Greensboro on Sunday for some live music? I’ll be sitting in on bass with The Blibbering Humdingers for both shows, opening for wizard rock pioneers Harry and […]

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