Archive for the 'books' Category

studio slap fight

05 Mar

There’s a long tradition of the “big two” comic companies taking friendly swipes at each other; Marvel gently mocking the “Distinguished Competition” in it’s letters pages and “Bullpen Bulletins”, and DC pulling some similar stunts in their own, slightly more serious way officially (but being just as jocular unofficially). In the print world, it’s always […]

speaking of life

23 Feb

So, things are maybe getting back to normal after the 5 inches of snow shut down most of Virginia for a week. The kids were off of school for five unplanned days, my office was closed one day (though I still ended up working – yay telework…not), all kinds of activities were cancelled for everyone, […]

Slott on Spider-Man in the movies

20 Feb

Spider-Man writer Dan Slott recently did an interview about the Marvel Cinematic Univers, specifically commenting on the recent news about Spider-Man, the character he’s been shepherding since 2008 (and before, if you count the excellent Spider-Man/Human Torch: I’m With Stupid limited series back in ’05). As usual, the guy’s right on about about a lot […]

a name for my affliction

12 Feb

Over at the AV Club today, there’s a great “11 Questions” interview with character actor Titus Welliver, wherein he answers questions about bad jobs, strange advice he’s received, waxes nostalgic about collecting comics and toys, and reveals his opinion (which I share) that Frank Langella was an amazing Skeletor in the 80s live-action adaptation of […]

the web-slinger comes home

10 Feb

As people (including me) have been speculating for months, a press release from Marvel Entertainment yesterday made things official: Spider-Man will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Looks like it’s a collaborative arrangement, with Sony continuing to produce and finance the Spider-Man films, though in collaboration with Marvel Films, who will help to shape the creative […]

FF – intriguing

29 Jan

“The most important thing about the Fantastic Four is that this is a movie about a family.” -Josh Trank So I watched that teaser trailer the other day. It was interesting; it sure looked pretty, even if it didn’t quite look like the Fantastic Four (I refuse to acknowledge FANT4STIC at all except to dismiss […]

superhero round-up

27 Jan

Because some significant superhero media news came out on Monday, and I have thoughts! ♦- David Tenant as Zebediah Kilgrave/Purple Man in AKA Jessica Jones (I’m calling it that, even if it doesn’t end up being called that; it’s a great title for a long-in-development property) series going to Netflix is really good casting. I’m […]

wrapping up

24 Dec

So, I’ve been done with work for the year since last Wednesday. That’s usually enough to warrant a mention here by itself. Not this year; I’ve been too busy. Now it’s Christmas Eve, I’ve been off for a about a week (wow…doesn’t seem like it), and I’m finally getting a small breather. I’ve been doing […]

back-channel studio communication and the spider-man situation

15 Dec

If you’ve been following entertainment news at all recently, you’ve probably heard about the Sony Pictures hack that went down recently, allegedly perpetrated by North Korea because of that Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy about tabloid journalists being recruited to assasinate Kim Jong-Un. Whether that suspicion is true or not (I don’t know), the world learned […]


02 Dec

Hope your holiday worked out nicely. Things didn’t start out badly on my end; our holiday feast was pretty nice; we tried out a few new recipes, including the awesomeness that is “Jezebel Sauce” (cranberry kicked up with horseradish and mustard). We did the usual parade and dog show stuff on television, then mostly hung […]

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