Archive for the 'cut out racks' Category

cutout racks XII: desert islands, forgotten scenes, and just two “really”s

18 Jul

So, I’m at it again, with more record reviews. I think it’s kind of fun that I’ve seen all of these artists live at least once, and I’m reasonably sure that I’ve seen three of them on the same stage, but never on the same night. Come to think of it, that would be a […]


12 Jul

After doing fifteen miles on the W&OD trail after working way too long today, I’ve been spending my evening mostly just sitting there, letting time pass around me. I tried to plunk on the ukulele a bit, but the music just wouldn’t come. Maybe tomorrow…I’ve got it in my head that somebody ought to write […]

cut out XI – some things should be acoustic, and some just shouldn’t

11 Jul

Once more into the well with this business; being off doing my own thing for the last week or so (“my own thing” largely being ferrying children to one place or the other, then retrieving them), I didn’t get much “new” listening done, but I did have a coupl e of stuff left over from […]

cutout X – court jesters and ego-tripping solo projects

27 Jun

This is the tenth entry of this particular feature, which is longer than any sort of project I’ve tried to maintain save the random ten (which doesn’t really require all that much effort). With this piece, I’ve talked about 40 records, which barely cracks the contents of the box. If I want to keep going, […]

cutout IX: a stunted movement, and probably too much thought on a teenage obesssion

23 Jun

I’m pretty sure with this entry, I’m caught up with my listening, and it’s probably time to swap out for a new box of CDs. That is, if I can resist just listening to Alpocalypse over and over for a while. What can I say, a boy never outgrows his “Weird” Al. In any case, […]

Cutout VIII – awkward country phase

21 Jun

Once again, I dig into the big box (and elsewhere) to find old records to listen to and blather on about. This volume branches out a little bit past the usual piles of hair metal and mid-nineties pop rock into one of the more embarassing musical phases of my life, which is something, coming from […]

cutout VII: every band is someone’s favorite

15 Jun

A few more records I’ve been pulling randomly from my big box o’ CDs and listening to on long drives: ♦Halfway There: A Central Pennsylvania compilation: For a couple of years in the mid 90s, Central PA had something of a renaissance of original music. Music that people noticed and appreciated. People like record company […]

cutout rack VI

10 Jun

More little record reviews. I hope I’m not repeating myself. ♦Never The Bride: I bought this record after hearing the band’s amazing version of “Goin’ to California” on Encomium, a Led Zeppelin tribute album. I know very little about them, other than the fact that they’ve got a vocalist with an amazing female rock voice; […]

part V: back to the racks

06 Jun

Being off the road last week, I had less time than usual with my car CD player (at home, I’ve been mostly pushing Pandora Radio through the Roku box, which is convinced that I should really like Eminem’s “Love The Way You Lie,” and damn, if it isn’t growing on me), but, here’s the latest […]

cut out reviews the fourth – I really need to set up a category for these

24 May

Once again, a couple of short thoughts on some records: ♦Damn Yankees – Don’t Tread: Jack Blades (Night Ranger), Tommy Shaw (Styx), and Ted Nugent, all relatively heavy hitters in the 70s and 80s, joined forces in the 90’s to form this “super group” and had several hits, a couple of which were on this, […]

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