Archive for the 'family' Category

friday random elevenish: “convivial promo (and a little complaining)” edition

27 Feb

So, Ret-Con last week was cool. I was made to feel very welcome by all, and had fun doing neat panels, even if I didn’t get much of an audience for my show. Oh well, it happens. This past week in the real world, as you might imagine, seriously sucked, apart from my regular after-work […]

snow and selfless service

08 Jan

As I start writing this piece in the middle of my first week back at work, I’m the *only* one in the house who’s back to work, because, for the first time in a couple of years, the RVA metro has been hit with what they call a “major” winter storm in these parts, which […]

happy boxing day

26 Dec

‘Tis Boxing Day; hope you’re enjoying your two turtle doves, and are ready for all those other birds over the next week and a half… After watching Congress pull a miracle out of their asses at the last minute, our Christmas here was quiet; we mostly lounged around reading, playing video games (the family gift […]

why not post about the things?

17 Jun

So, after that “Am I going to even keep doing the thing?” post back in May, there’ve been a bunch of things worth talking about (apart from that Dragoncon post pinned up there ↑, that is)… As I alluded to in that post, I’m working on a new record, currently untitled, that I hope to […]

highs and lows

06 Feb

The past weekend and several days on either side of it have been kind of a roller coaster… First of all, the big birthday party for my lovely spouse went off amazingly well, both in terms of remembering how to host events, as well as “beta testing” the new house space as a music venue. […]

friday random elevenish: “yes i know it’s not a groundhog” edition

02 Feb

Let’s just say that I would really rather not have this week repeating over and over; it kinda sucked. Lots of stupid work drama, an unpleasant flirtation with the illness that the rest of my family was dealing with last week, a bunch of disappearing mp3s, and a bit of self-inflicted stress as we prepare […]

holiday post-op

03 Jan

The holidays around here were quiet, I guess, which is okay. Christmas was low-key; we didn’t even really decorate, in part, because those sorts of things are buried in the back of the storage unit we’re still working through, and if there was a tree in the way, putting up the bookshelves we bought ourselves […]

friday random elevenish: “so raise a glass…” edition

08 Dec

We’re hitting that interesting time of year. Work, thankfully, is slowing down as all of my fellow public sector bureaucrats start burning their use-or-lose leave and leaving the halls of power empty (or emptier than usual, given the fact that so many of us work remotely now). The co-worker I’ve been unofficially mentoring for the […]

friday random elevenish: “worst in recent memory” edition

27 Oct

Overall, this has been a pretty crappy week. Sunday morning I was chopping vegetables into the crock pot for vegetable soup and tagged the tip of my left ring finger with a just-swharpened knife. Ouch. Also, having the bandage there has wseriously impeded productivity; it keeps getting in the way of the typing by which […]

virtual workshops and online gigs

06 Sep

So, I’m a week and a half into a two-week virtual program management workshop. I genuinely like my co-workers; they’re all decent people from the boss on down, and we’re all working toward making things in our organization work a little better and make a lot more sense. “Drinking from the fire hose” is only […]

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