Archive for the 'family' Category

monday morning quick hits

05 May

First, let me direct your attention to the photo gallery, where I added a handful of shots from Andrew’s baseball game on Saturday. Shots taken with something other than a cell phone camera, even. Second, although this news a bit old, and we filled most everyone in already, Yes, one of the tornadoes in Virginia […]

We are proud of our kid…

04 May

…most of the time, such as here, where she got a really, really, great grade on her poster/presentation on Independence Day: Note the first element, “Appropriate Dress”. This meant that Mary had to dress as her topic. Some kids had historical figures. Mary had a holiday. She had to dress up as “Independence Day”. That […]

odds and ends

23 Apr

♦ The race rolls on…the small net gain Clinton picked up yesterday will almost surely be cancelled out come May 6. It continues to be essentially a 51-49 split within the party. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as the vast majority of Democrats (and consistently, Democratic primary turnout has been twice that of the […]

be the ball…

21 Apr

It may have rained the rest of the weekend, but the weather dieties conspired to give us a really nice Saturday morning for Andrew’s first baseball game. Bright, sunny, high seventies/low eighties, with just a hint of breeze. The game was scheduled to start at 11am, with practice/warm-ups beginning at 10:15am. We left the house […]

spring break after all: horse pills and the lowest common denominator in entertainment

27 Mar

Since everyone else was off this week, I took Wednesday and Thursday off as well. Partly because I frankly just needed a break from the work grind, and the rest because I just needed the rest. And what the hell, I deserve a couple of days off now and then. Y’see, since Thursday or Friday […]

Friday Random Ten: pre-road trip edition

07 Mar

After work and school today, Mary and I are heading up to Alexandria to catch the Jonathan Coulton show at the Birchmere. I’m sure that for the drive up, she’ll insist on a near-constant repeat of “Code Monkey” and “Ikea”, but perhaps we might manage to work some other tunes into the mix. At that […]

Comicon II: The Comickening (or, the geeking of the kid continues)

02 Mar

Today was another fine Sunday afternoon at the Central Virginia Comicon for Mary and I; poring through the fifty-cent longboxes for forgotten treasures worthy of an eight year old girl’s attention. This time, a bunch of Byrne She-Hulk (well, those were just as much for me, being the Jen Walters geek I am – thanks, […]

a question for your Tuesday consideration…

26 Feb

yeah, I really don’t have much to contribute to the discourse of Teh Interwebs™ today, but I have this space, so it kinda feels like I ought to fill it. So I shall fill it with this. A question: If you were six, and your eight-almost-nine year-old sibling came up to you with a pair of […]

at 8:32pm, the internet changed forever…

13 Feb

…with the arrival of! Behold, the neo-classical metal keyboard majesty! Go, there, I command you, GO! (and don’t just go because I built it…) Yes, brother-in-law Mike T. finally outgrew myspace, and set up his own little shop on the web. Take a look – I think you’ll like what you see and hear, […]

final 100 email update, highlights of the last week or so…

11 Feb

We’re sending Andrew off to school this morning with a crisp stack of 100 individual emails, thanks, in large part, to a lot of you folks who read this drivel I write. Andrew had a lot of fun reading everyone’s messages, will send out his own “thank you” message to the assembled messengers at some point […]

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