Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

conditions on the ground

07 Dec

It’s Monday in early December, 2020; and the state of the world is decidedly “meh.” As usual. ‘Rona cases are concerningly on the rise, in part because of the colder temperatures, the holidays (we’re about two weeks out from Thanksgiving, after all), and people all over the place still politicizing this thing, denying it, and […]

how i started my weekend

06 Dec

After I finished work on Friday afternoon, I took a quick drive over to my favored local park to get a little outside time. As my ankle’s still healing up, I wasn’t planning anything particularly strenuous, just a little amble along the marsh and a sit on the bench overlooking the river junction for a […]

triskaidekaphobia might be a thing

16 Nov

I’m not particularly superstitious, but maybe don’t go camping on Friday the 13th. My mind-clearing getaway trip didn’t quite offer the solace I hoped it would, due to numerous complications. Not saying it was all bad, but all told, very few things went according to plan or as I’d have liked. The first piece, of […]

friday random elevenish – “you take it on faith, you take it to the heart” edition

06 Nov

Like I said yesterday, we’re going to be waiting a little bit for this one, but from where I’m sitting, things looks to be breaking our way. All it’s going to take is time. It’s the same way we get through any week, really, and this week’s been a long one for other reasons as […]

nothing to see here

26 Oct

As predicted, the weekend was pretty low-impact. Friday night involved some livestreamed-over-the-internet theater (the kid kicked ass in a very intense role), Saturday was a brisk five mile hike, doing the shopping, and spendng a few hours engaged with the virtual version of the Ohio Valley Filk Fest, or as it was called this year, […]

friday random elevenish: “lagomorph hotel” edition

16 Oct

And, apart from a few hours of low-impact office work today, this week’s in the can. It’s not been entirely unpleasant, and kind of eventful. I visited my actual office for the first time in more than six months, and survived to tell the tale. I mysteriously pulled an abdominal muscle doing a five mile […]

a desperate change of scenery

06 Oct

Those reading this space and what things I say in other spaces lately are no doubt aware that I’e been struggling. I’m not sure what it is, really. I suspect it’s a shifting mix of cabin fever, depression, anxiety, boredom, mourning, anger, existential dread, fear for the future, stress, ennui, a well-timed mid-life crisis, frustration, […]

possibility of a hot shower tonight…maybe

05 Oct

I don’t really wanna talk about the weekend. Suffice to say it was extra stressful, not particularly restful, and ended Monday morning with wonderful news about middle-of-the-night policy changes at the office that mean I need to take some proposal packages I’ve been working on for the last month or two back to the drawing […]

lowered expectations

28 Sep

On Friday I spent some time talking about “The Six Month Wall”, and how the way to get past it, according to experts, is to just give yourself permission to be less productive and take a bit of a break. So, this weekend, that’s what I did. The weather was mostly crap, so I stuck […]

friday random elevenish: “bad news” edition

18 Sep

Best thing I can say about this week is that it’s basically over. This whole week I’ve been struggling with respiratory/allergy issues, and given the Current State of Things ™, I’ve of course been worried that it’s the dreaded ‘Rona, even if the symptoms don’t at all match up to those reported. Mostly, I’ve just […]

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