Archive for the 'hobbies' Category
16 Sep
In an age that seems eons ago, 2018, The Blibbering Humdingers released our most recent record, Fantastic Geeks and Where To Find Them, to much acclaim. We played all over the place with it, and people seem to dig the cool 1920s aesthetic most of the record presented. Since the initial shows supporting this one, […]
Posted in hobbies, music, promo by: cphaurckker
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03 Sep
Another week in the can, so to speak. It’s been busy, with lots of stuff going on at work, and getting school started with the youngest child, all a challenge since current conditions have us all doing our thing from the house. But, we’re managing, in particular, me, through tons of sinus issues in the […]
Posted in family, hobbies, music, promo, random ten by: cphaurckker
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17 Aug
The weekend was long, both too long, and not quite long enough, and I’m totally cool with embracing that contradiction. Our attempt to provide some sort of adventure for the newly-minted teenager was enjoyed by the kid, though we didn’t budget our time particularly well. We hit the craft store and the second-hand book store […]
Posted in family, hobbies, life, music by: cphaurckker
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10 Aug
A big chunk of my weekend involved actually getting some miles under me, and took me, for the first time in a few months, out of my typical 25 mile radius of my living room. It was, at least, novel, even if it consisted primarily of pandemic theater, manual labor, and a sore ass. Addressing […]
Posted in hobbies, life, movies and tv, music, nostalgia, political by: cphaurckker
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24 Jul
Can’t really put it any other way. Not that there wasn’t some good (my tunes hit spotify, got some good biking done, etc), but largely, it was a hot, stressful slog that I struggled to push myself through. It is, however, Friday, and I’m going to keep plugging on the best I can, hoping that […]
Posted in bitching, hobbies, music, promo, random ten, stress by: cphaurckker
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21 Jul
As I indicated last week, I took myself a mental health day on Monday in order to try to cleanse some of the frustration, stress, and craziness of last week’s “rush to do all the acquisition things” theme. It mostly worked, and I got a bunch of stuff done, both for me, and around the […]
Posted in hobbies, life, music, stress by: cphaurckker
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17 Jul
If you’ve been paying attention to my posts the last couple of weeks (especially this week), you’ve probably gotten the impression that things are decidedly not good. That perception’s not entirely wrong, of course – one merely needs to look out the window or to the television to see that: the White House is is […]
Posted in family, hobbies, life, music, promo, random ten by: cphaurckker
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10 Jul
Remember, back an eternity ago (but actually only about 48 hours, since this is how the world works now) when I mentioned that the bubble wrap was better than the weeping and irritability? Yeah, that didn’t last long. Wednesday (and most of Thursday as I start writing this missive) were emotionally rough, for no particularly […]
Posted in bitching, hobbies, life, music, nostalgia, political, random ten, stress by: cphaurckker
Comments Off on friday random elevenish: “personal progress in the face of apocalyptic thinking offers no solace” edition
07 Jul
Four day weekend. Not terrible, other than the slightly cloudy feeling I’m likely to have until later this week when I was able to schedule a doctor’s appointment because somewhere between the larger medical group (which ate up my wonderful doctor’s smaller practice last year) and the pharmacy system, there was a hiccup that has […]
Posted in bitching, hobbies, life, movies and tv, music, political by: cphaurckker
Comments Off on the week keeps on giving, and it’s only tuesday morning
03 Jul
If you’re reading this Friday morning (as I expect you probably are), I’m probably in the midst of my next leg of the Capital Quarantine Challenge, and not sitting at my computer after loading up everyone’s inboxes first thing, because it’s the federal bank holiday for Independence Day. My plan as it stands is to […]
Posted in hobbies, life, music, political, random ten by: cphaurckker
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