Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

a rare saturday post

27 Jun

Remember how I was expecting a smooth and short work day on Friday? Yeah…well…it wasn’t. I was stuck dealing with difficult, frustrating people all day long, for a full eight hour day, and then had to field a couple of calls after I was off the clock. I suppose I should be grateful to have […]

friday random elevenish: “damn, i’m old” edition

19 Jun

Today’s headline refers to the fact that my eldest child today turns twenty-one. All told, it’s not the best year to turn twenty-one if you’re of the mind to go out and visit interesting drinking establishments and such (especially when your dad knows so many brewery people). We’d talked for quite a while about the […]

raining on my one-float parade

16 Jun

Early Monday morning, the rain started; a long, slow, soaking rain that looks poised to last most of the week. I’m not entirely sure I enjoy it. Doing most of my biking on the dirt, coming home mud-covered (after getting the mud all over my car on the way home) isn’t ideal, and one thing […]

friday random elevenish: “various and sundry, plus promo” edition

05 Jun

This week, as weeks go, at least personally, in this age of pandemic, protest, fascist photo ops heat wave, and bears, hasn’t been the worst of the lot. I’ve gotten some actual work done (without working too hard about it), read some books (including the wonderful The Last Emperox by John Scalzi, in the welcome […]

publicly working through mid-life issues

26 May

I am legitimately, wholeheartedly trying to do my job today, though the technology on the back end is doing it’s damnedest to prevent me from actually doing it. After the disaster of an email/messaging experience on Friday, it seems we’re back to more of the same after the long weekend. I managed to access things […]

friday random elevenish: “ExceptionLogonFailed…” edition

22 May

It’s quite possible I’m the only idiot in the organization actually working today, given the date on the calendar. I say “working”, though it’s rather difficult to actually accomplish much of anything when the enterprise email system keeps throwing up random code errors instead of my inbox, and I require certain information from people before […]

friday random elevenish: “flash gordon is the obvious next step” edition

15 May

While I had a few thoughts in this space this week, it’s been largely, you know, the same. Get up (even earlier than usual today, because sleep, it seems, is fleeting), work, maybe go for a walk, handle some chores, watch some tv or read, go to bed. I while it’s not always obvious, especially […]

…and it’s monday

27 Apr

Quarantine, day…um, I don’t remember: I commented briefly over the weekend, mostly to vent, with polite sorrow, regarding my gigs getting canceled for May. Things will come back around, later rather than sooner, and I, and my many, many musical friends (why not check out some of my many talented friends in the “play list” […]

friday random elevenish – “thinking about working” edition

17 Apr

A relatively quiet Thursday, I think, was a welcome relief to internals. Work was stagnant,largely because I worked my ass off on Wednesday and the email server was choking much of the day (big influx of junk in the last hour, but it was all junk), which I’m not going to complain about – I […]

…never got the hang of thursdays

16 Apr

Because I can’t think of anything else, I’ll quote Douglas Adams for today’s headline. Seems as good a thing as any. I was, as you can clearly read, less than my best self yesterday. Doesn’t mean the feelings weren’t valid, because certain business processes do indeed suck. However, I did get a Metric Assload™ of […]

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