Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

where I’m at

23 Mar

My last couple of posts read as pretty dire, don’t they? It kind of makes sense; these are dire times. I did indeed get out in the woods a couple of times since the last post; a nice hike along the river, and a refreshing 10 mile bike ride on Friday afternoon. Thursday’s hike was […]

since all my live gigs are cancelled for the next little while

19 Mar

Given that so many of us who are musicians are finding ourselves without places to play in this age of social distancing and pandemics and all, after some sort of clandestine testing earlier this week, I shall be doing my own streaming show on Saturday afternoon at 4pm on Facebook Live: I’m calling it Chuck […]

road trip in the pandemic age, and a plea to support your local

16 Mar

So, for the most part, I practiced social distancing this weekend, spending most of Saturday and Sunday alone in my car with audiobooks traveling I-95. Of course, at the mid-point of my 600 mile highway odyssey, I spent a few hours making music with a small group of friends in St. Matthews, South Carolina at […]

friday random elevenish: “the usual (as such)” edition

13 Mar

So, beyond the pandemic we’re dealing with in the other post, my world’s largely been occupied with long days spinning well over a hundred pages of well-written (if I do say so myself) bullshit to accomplish the Herculean effort of pulling together the acquisition package for a multi-million dollar omnibus IT services contract that should […]

friday random elevenish: “emotionally and physically drained” edition

06 Mar

Hasn’t been the best week, honestly. I’m mostly past the latest cold/flu/definitely not Covid-19 bug, but this one feels like it’s going to…linger. Taking off work Monday to play dead kinda helped, though playing catch-up always sucks, especially with a sore throat and gnomes hammering in the sinuses behind my eyes. Work has been a […]

friday random elevenish: “only mostly dead, but walking” edition

28 Feb

I can’t breathe. Seriously, I swear, I have gotten sick more often this year than I have in recent memory. It sucks. It doesn’t help that I’ve seen the sun maybe once in the last three or four days, and I’ve been shanghai’d into mostly pointless training most of the week, which has thrown off […]

friday random elevenish: “they said ‘snow’ on the radio” edition

21 Feb

That title up there kind of says it all about where the hell the mid-Atlantic is right now. As I write this, it hasn’t hit us yet, but I expect we’ll get something; not much, of course (at least to my grew-up-in-the-northeast perspective), but two inches is enough to shut this metropolitan area down. I’m […]

friday random elevenish: “cheaper than therapy” edition

14 Feb

This week, I tell ya. It’s bad enough that I haven’t see the sun since Saturday, and then only from the car. Ridiculous number of phone calls with bureaucrats convinced their particular “prestigious” geographic location gives them license to skirt policy and procedures (fuck them, btw). People needing things and being annoyingly persistent about it […]

friday random elevenish: “nothing to see here” edition

24 Jan

Con crud is kind of a thing. But I’ll persevere, thanks to rest, sinus meds, and Nyquil. As I said, Marscon was awesome, and the dissonance of coming back into the normal world after living in con world for a couple of days is always challenging, especially when you’re having trouble breathing through your nose. […]

thank you, marscon

22 Jan

Marscon is, without question, always a great time for me. It’s a chance to see friends, make music, and try to shake off the stresses of mundane life for the weekend. This year was no different, though moreso than in other years, it was definitely a working vacation, with me playing seven(!) shows, in several […]

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