Archive for the 'hobbies' Category
because everyone asks – the sweet potato salad recipe
In the last couple of years, my go-to dish for pot lucks/parties/whatever is this delicious and relatively simple southwestern-style sweet potato salad. I improvised off of a couple of variations of the same I found online once when I had a bunch of great-looking sweet potatoes I picked up at the farmers’ market that I […]
from beer to beer
This weekend involved lots of different adventures; starting with hauling us and our friends Ted and Jennyfer out to SBC to catch the oldest playing Titania, Queen of the Fairies in the campus production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which was pretty great, actually. Spending the evening with our friends was fun, and we did […]
almost done
warning: musician living in his head content on deck: In the midst of all the other stuff going on (college kid home, dance dad duty, new Letterkenny…), I think I have almost all the recording done for the album, and most of the mixing, after getting the eldest to knock out some vocals, taking a […]
friday random elevenish – “standard week, with testudines” edition
As it is every week, it’s been a week. I’ve actually gotten a ton done at work, and I’ve speedwalked/hiked the equivalent of three 5k races, but I’ve gotten next to nothing done on the record. Mixed bag, that. Hoping to change that this weekend, however; I’m taking the recording rig on the road at […]
wrock and whatnot
playing through the pain
While I didn’t mention this last week, I’ve been struggling with a very quick-onset flu-like bug since the middle of last week. I started feeling an unpleasant tickle in the back of my throat as I was leaving Castleburg on Wednesday night, which, over the course of the 20 minutes-or-so drive home, turned into a […]
friday random elevenish – “financial reminder of your own mortality” edition
When I looked at my electronic pay stub on Wednesday morning for this week’s pay check, I noticed my bottom-line take-home was twenty-five bucks less than it’s been previously. I was concerned for a second, until I saw the notes section, which indicated that I’d moved into a new age category for my life insurance […]