Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random elevenish – “after the dragon” edition

06 Sep

I write this Thursday evening, my first day back at the day job after spending the weekend playing rock star with 85,000 of my closest friends at Dragoncon in Atlanta. We had a pretty good weekend, all told, playing some great shows and seeing some good friends, and hell, making the Syfy Wire web page, […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “600 miles (Dragoncon)” edition

29 Aug

Swearing is Caring by Misbehavin' Maidens For those curious, the above-embedded tune from my friends the Misbehavin’ Maidens is the source of today’s title, though, per the navigation app estimates I just made, my trip is going to be 555 miles…I won’t quibble over 45 miles, which is probably what I’ll end up walking this […]

longing for the rock star life…

26 Aug

Having finished that class I took the last two weeks, I went back to the usual office grind on Monday, to get some good news, mostly hassle, and finding that nobody feels like answering their email or voice mail. Grrrr. The good news, that I keep hanging onto, is the fact that I only have […]

friday random elevenish – “two points short of perfect” edition

23 Aug

So, by the time this posts, it’ll be my birthday. Hello, 45. I don’t feel old, until I sprain something by tripping over nothing. Still, I *am* in better shape than I was when I was twenty, which I guess says something. Tomorrow is the last day of the class I’ve found myself in for […]

slightly less hosed

16 Aug

Well, after fighting with things for a few hours this evening after sleeping on it, I eventually, after wrestling with ftp clients, IP addresses, and trying to write SQL queries when I barely know enough to be dangerous (remember, I’m the guy that once took a whole government agency’s clause-selection system in the contract writing […]

friday random elevenish: “thursday doesn’t care about you” edition

02 Aug

So, yeah, I spent most of Wednesday with a significant part of my brain thinking it was Thursday. When I came to that realization, believe me, it sucked. Wednesday night was a weird one…I dreamt that both my lovely wife and I were appointed as Supreme Court Justices, though the entire thing took place in […]

sunday night reflection, sinus headache edition

28 Jul

As I lie here on my bed, my eldest child’s cat lying asleep next to me (I’m the perennial second choice; she’s currently out with friends) watching another too-short weekend come to a close, I feel kinda hung over (I can’t say I had *nothing* to drink Saturday evening while we sat and watched Veronica […]

friday random elevenish: “walking and downsizing” edition

27 Jul

One unique thing I can really say about this week is that it passed, at least to the point I write this, remarkably fast; I’ll take it. Work’s been work, apart from the absolute shit briefing on Thursday afternoon; ’nuff said. I’ve been hiking rather than biking this week for my fitness/stress relief; partially for […]

friday random elevenish: “bureaucratic avalanche” edition

12 Jul

My life this week has been defined primarily by the never-ending fountain of documents related to the acquisition nightmare I’ve gotten yanked into by the boss. This should be a relatively easy thing, but this particular effort has been kicked back by the review board three times now, and the strategy has been changed just […]

feels-like-friday random elevenish – “staring at the long weekend” edition

03 Jul

I started tapping this one out totally believing it was Friday morning, as I’d internalized the fact that this was my last workday for the week, given the holiday weekend (and the fact that nearly everyone, including me, is taking off Friday). Of course, it’s only Wednesday, but whatever. This three-day week does, as short […]

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