Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random elevenish: “varied stuff and things” edition

28 Jun

Relatively uneventful week for my part; solved some smaller problems at work for folks, hiked more than a few miles at local parks and in my building while on conference calls, jumped into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite! with so many other friends have (review so far – it’s got some neat mechanics, but overall, after […]

friday random elevenish: “up…and down” edition

21 Jun

It’s been a relatively quiet work week; too quiet, really – I’d really like some news on the status of my projects, honestly, and it’s not really forthcoming. I was stuck at the office on Thursday very late in order to help bail my boss and folks who aren’t as good at acquisition stuff as […]

friday random elevenish: “dance dad duty” edition

14 Jun

Forgive me, dear three or four readers out there, for getting this one posted late. I usually stage the playlist post Thursday evening, but last night I was locked down behind a soundboard for six or seven hours in support of the dance recital tech rehearsal, which, “hey, we had a tech rehearsal! cool!”, though […]

almost an e.p.

11 Jun

Today the weather was rather gorgeous outside after several days of rain, so after voting (because it’s primary day, and I never miss an opportunity to cast a ballot), I racked the bike and hit the park for ten quick miles, on top of the five miles (according to the Pokemon Go adventure sync counter, […]

friday random elevenish – “progress? maybe!” edition

07 Jun

The week, thankfully, is winding down. It’s been a reasonably busy one, except when it hasn’t been. Feast for famine for activity. Work either has me on the phone all day, putting out fires, or it’s sitting around waiting for something, anything, to happen. I have, at this point, managed to knock out seventy bike/hike […]


03 Jun

Spent pretty much all of Monday waiting around for the office network to come to some sort of decision regarding whether or not it was going to function, and allow users to accomplish anything at all beyond watching spinning “wait” icons for pretty much every tool we use. The modern office, as you might imagine, […]

friday random elevenish – “one-two punch” edition

31 May

I’m still kind of coming off of the generally pretty great rock star/Guest of Honor experience at Balticon 53 last weekend, where The Humdingers played some great shows, I had some pretty decent meals, got sorta drunk with Nebula and Campbell award winning author and scientist Greg Benford, and got to hang with some friends […]

social justice bard

30 May

So, along with the other stuff I’m doing these days, I finally got myself a proper bio on the Social Justice Bards web site, since I’ve been part of that crew for a while now (even if I don’t stream…yet). I’m in good company, what with Metricula, David Tyberg, Cacophonie, Rhiannon’s Lark, Wanda Hayward, and […]

friday random elevenish – “on the road” edition

24 May

By the time you’re reading this, it’s quite likely I’ll be somewhere on the American Interstate Highway System in the general mid-Atlantic region (not that I’m not on stretches of that every day or anything), traveling to Baltimore to play shows and geek out with The Blibbering Humdingers, who are Guests of Honor at Balticon, […]

mid-week celebration of appreciation

22 May

It is Wednesday, and I’ve been busy enough that I haven’t managed to check in on this space as I usually like to do, so I’m doing that now. The office, with a few exceptions (which I’ll get to eventually), has been pretty slow this week, figuring in some big senior leadership meetings in Ohio […]

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