Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random elevenish – “off my game” edition

17 May

Friday. About time. I was kind of off my schedule this week, between weather, appointments, rehearsals, hauling ass out to Amherst, etc. As I type this, I’d only gotten out on the trail once, and that was just a brisk three mile hike. Oh well; there’s always Friday afternoon. We shall see. I did have […]

friday random elevenish: “ya basic!” edition

10 May

Once again, how to sum up a week? I guess it hasn’t been awful; the usual problems (absolutely no movement on the work project schedule, brain chemistry, the state of the planet, constant low-level life stress) are still the usual problems, so I’m just going to leave them go. Beyond that, the week hasn’t been […]

monday’s weekend recap

06 May

Happy Monday. It’s humid today, but not too hot, so I’ll take it. I walked three miles along the river after work, which felt good, except for the mosquitos. I’ve got the bike racked for tomorrow and the rest of the week. Gotta get back into the swing after being down last week. Also, I […]

friday random ten: “an infinity of chores and chicken salad” edition

26 Apr

Given the general uncertainty about projects, along with a great number of folks in my work circles on the road for a bit industry conference down in Florida, my time in the office was slow in terms of actual PM work. I dumped a bunch of time into knocking out some online training prerequisites for […]

new day rising

22 Apr

One might note from my short friday evening missive that I wasn’t really in the headspace for a great weekend. I managed to salvage some of it, but yeah, it could’ve been better. Apart from paying the bills and a quick shopping trip with the spouse, I basically checked out Friday evening as indicated. Saturday […]

friday random elevenish: “gonna be measuring my retirement against the go live date” edition

19 Apr

This week, all told, hasn’t been too bad, at least from where I sit on Thursday night. The weather’s been absolutely gorgeous, allowing me to knock out a good thirty miles on the bike (my usual stretch of the Virginia Capital Trail) over three days, though Thursday’s ten miles hurt something fierce. I’m not sure […]

that thing I mentioned yesterday – “heroes who died”

20 Mar

As I mentioned yesterday, while out at BFGCon last weekend, I shared a couple of songwriting exercises with Comedy Rock Star Mikey Mason over a couple of beers. One of the things I played for him was a little ditty I knocked out last summer, not long after Avengers: Infinity War came out; a parody […]

interval of mundanity between bouts of coolness

19 Mar

Today I went back to work after my four day weekend, which included a weekend of gigs at BFGCon, which, in spite of apprehension of how the Humdingers (and the merchandise of Camelot Treasures) would go over at a gaming convention, went pretty darned well. The trip was worth the effort, and we played a […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “a wealth of gigs” edition

14 Mar

Once again, Thursday is my Friday. Gotta treat myself now and then. It’s funny, though, that my body/brain *knows* these sorts of things, as although this week’s been rather low-imact in terms of work (my projects are on schedule and my guys are doing all the right things – the worst I’ve dealt with was […]

friday random elevenish – “spinning the wheel of bullshit” edition

22 Feb

It is Friday. ‘Twas a short week, coming off of a long weekend, made a day longer than expected as I spent Tuesday at home caring for a couple of women who I care about who were both running fevers. I don’t mind playing nurse now and then. That’s the dad life. I’ve spent considerable […]

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