Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

virtual workshops and online gigs

06 Sep

So, I’m a week and a half into a two-week virtual program management workshop. I genuinely like my co-workers; they’re all decent people from the boss on down, and we’re all working toward making things in our organization work a little better and make a lot more sense. “Drinking from the fire hose” is only […]

over the handlebars…

07 Aug

♫ Bicycle Man, Bicycle Man Bicycle Man meets Pine Cone Man They Have a Fight, Pine Cone wins Road Rash Man ♫ …but at least I finished the Capital Trail Summer Challenge Virtual Birthday Challenge…413.6 miles down, the last four bleeding.

friday random elevenish: “light, end, tunnel?” edition

28 Jul

As indicated earlier, I spent most of this week in a funk. It sucked. I think, finally, though, I’m maybe coming out of it. I had a busy workday Thursday (which ended with C-suite level kudos to me in a departmental all-hands meeting, which was a nice surprise, even if it bumped right up against […]

promo: ConGregate 9

14 Jul

By the time anyone’s reading this, I’ll be on my way south to participate once again in ConGregate, a wonderful convention in Winston-Salem NC that does me the honor of having me as a guest once again in 2023. I’ll be playing a bunch of shows and sitting on a few panels, and generally hanging […]

the imposter digs out

20 Jun

Been a bit of an overwhelming week and change. LONG work days involving going into an actual office for several days in the interest of meeting deadlines and doing our part to quash the “drinking from the fire hose” mentality my workplace just can’t seem to let go of. Lots of personal stuff to do […]

friday random elevenish: “collecting projects” edition

09 Jun

It’s been awfully exciting lately. This week really wasn’t, and that’s okay. I spent most of my time just getting work done, and working through the beginnings of the song I’m covering for Streamer Song Swap this year. This is the first time I’m doing it as, well, me, though I played bass on Metricula’s […]

friday random elevenish: “gigs and putting out work fires” edition

02 Jun

Work was kinda busy this week, continuing to put out fires, which is kinda what I do now. No worries; they keep on paying me, I keep on logging in. That big problem requirement has been successfully pushed off my plate to be dealt with by folks who are authorized to spend the money, but […]

friday random elevenish: “fifty-one point seven” edition

12 May

So yes, I was *on* all week, due to the off-site (at my former office a little north of here) program management workshop Tuesday through Thursday, which involved backing up my boss’s never-ending energy with technical expertise and rapid-fire abilities to yank obscure documentation out of the aether at her word. Plus, I had to […]

friday random elevenish: “doing all the things” edition

28 Apr

So, I’ve been up to some stuff. Last weekend, with it’s pub crawl adventures (lots of fun showing a friend around town and sampling many libations and game stores) and Ravencon was pretty cool. I think I played some really good shows (I might actually be getting kind of good at this?) and the new […]

I hate last minute schedule shifts

03 Apr

So, I didn’t have oral surgery this morning, because my periodontist went into the hospital this weekend. I’d spent most of the last week getting mentally prepared to have my gums and jaw ratcheted on and spend a couple of days on crazy-strong painkillers. Growing up with orthodontia has me used to people doing all […]

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