Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

grinding through the home stretch

26 Nov

Happy Monday. My holiday weekend was relatively relaxing. After I wrapped work on Wednesday (ending my week with some good news for once), the crew went out and had dinner and caught a screening of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, which was problematic, but pretty. I missed the fun character moments and inherent sweetness […]

friday wednesday random elevenish: “thanks” edition

21 Nov

Got a nice long holiday weekend queued up, and I largely knocked down all the big rocks at work on Tuesday afternoon. It’s nice to be able to pass along good news at status meetings. Weather was also pretty nice on Tuesday; I didn’t have the bike, but I stopped at the park and briskly […]

friday random elevenish: “that escalated quickly” edition

16 Nov

Winter came on like gangbusters, huh? No snow here in the RVA, but my friends in DC and environs farther north and west got spanked with snow, ice, and power outages. We just got tons of rain and a bunch of wind. One of the trees in my back yard fell down, though sadly, it […]

my friends make things

09 Nov

I make no secret of the fact that I have a *ton* of talented friends (I mean, I’ve never weighed them or anything, but…); today, of all days, a whole slew of them released, or started up crowdfunding efforts in support of, new projects that are really all very good and exciting. It’s only fair […]

friday random elevenish – “I bless (and alternately curse) the rains…” edition

09 Nov

A week. Yes it was. The most exciting thing I did besides voting was buy tires. Otherwise it was conference calls, plugged up sinuses, a little cooking, a little music rehearsal, some push-ups, and just getting through it. Yep. Tonight I’ll take a drive out to SBC for the fall dance concert, Saturday I’ll push […]

friday random elevenish: “day after dweezil” edition

02 Nov

So this has been a pretty long week; not sure why, really. It seems like I spent the whole time in meetings, which, is, you know, par for the course. I just didn’t sleep well any night this week; again, not sure why. The weather’s been trying to decide whether it’s summer or fall, which […]


01 Nov

didn’t go as planned, but still wrapped up nicely in the end

29 Oct

On Friday, I posted a bit about weekend plans. Those didn’t go as expected. Friday evening was indeed kinda chill; I made some excellent refried beans in my instant pot. We ate them. It was good. Saturday, however, went a bit pear shaped; We tried to make the best of it, but nothing went as […]

friday random elevenish: “winter is coming” edition

26 Oct

It’s been a relatively uneventful week, at least in areas I’m going to talk about in this forum (how’s that for vague?). I worked, I slept, I took cold medicine to sort out my sinus issues related to the changing of the seasons. I played a decent, if experimental (gotta work on that acoustic arrangement […]

and then there was a deer

22 Oct

Colleen and I spent a lot of time on the road this weekend, visiting friends and family across the mid-Atlantic and enjoying some great performances. I also had a closer-than-I-would-have-liked encounter with some Amelia County wildlife. Friday night, while returning home late from Amherst, where we saw an absolutely AMAZING performance by my kid and […]

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